HCal LED frequency control

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<<SBS Main<< HOW TOs (BigBite Spectrometer)

DVCS Pulser GUI Operation

Prescale 6 (PS6) enables the HCal DVCS pulser. This pulser should be set to 10 Hz for parasitic operation on all SBS kinematics with a prescale factor of 1 (PS6=0).

Before operation of the GUI, check to verify that no instance of the DVCS Pulser GUI is open in a vnc or otherwise on any CH computer. If it is, use the open instance.

If you suspect the DVCS pulser for the HCal LEDs is not set to 10 Hz, (eg. beam-off rate is not 30 Hz or 40 Hz, as expected, from the 20 Hz dead-time monitor(EDTM) and the 10 Hz of HCal LED events and 10 Hz of GRINCH LED, if enabled.) then, from any window logged on as adaq or sbs-onl:

ssh -Y daq@enpcamsonne
cd test_fadc
python3 DVCS_Pulser_Control_GUI.py

To operate the GUI, press the following buttons in order:

  • Load DVCS Pulser Library
  • Initialize DVCS Pulser
  • Enable Output Channels
  • Save Settings
  • 10 (Under "Set Pulser Rate (Hz)" on right)