SBS Replay Variable Names

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<<Student Analysis

HCal Variable Definitions


  • These definitions from the following source files defined in SBS-offline. See github for more information.
    • SBSCalorimeter.cxx
    • SBSGenericDetector.cxx
  • One can search any working build of SBS-offline for “rVarDef” to find the location of these definitions.
    • From the build src directory: grep -nr “rvardef*” .


Cluster Variables

   { "nclus", "Number of clusters meeting threshold", "fNclus" },
   { "e",      "Energy (MeV) of largest cluster",    "GetE()" },
   { "e_c",    "Corrected Energy (MeV) of largest cluster",    "GetECorrected()" },
   { "atimeblk", "ADC time of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetAtime()" },
   { "tdctimeblk", "TDC time of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetTDCtime()" },
   { "eblk",   "Energy (MeV) of highest energy block in the largest cluster",    "GetEBlk()" },
   { "eblk_c", "Corrected Energy (MeV) of highest energy block in the largest cluster",    "GetEBlkCorrected()" },
   { "rowblk", "Row of block with highest energy in the largest cluster",    "GetRow()" },
   { "colblk", "Col of block with highest energy in the largest cluster",    "GetCol()" },
   { "x",      "x-position (mm) of largest cluster", "GetX()" },
   { "y",      "y-position (mm) of largest cluster", "GetY()" },
   { "nblk",   "Number of blocks in the largest cluster",    "GetNblk()" },
   { "idblk",  "Logic number of block with highest energy in cluster",    "GetBlkID()" },