RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday November 1st

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Meetings Page

RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator Status

Nothing new wrt accelerator, i.e. also no change of schedule (maintenance day on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, configuration change starting on Friday Nov. 5th through the weekend, resuming operations on Monday Nov. 8th, Owl

Hall A Status and News

All shift cancelled till Friday Nov. 5th Owl; Shifts from Friday Nov. 5th owl till Sunday Nov. 7th Swing on standby; Asked Dave about when to do the target condensation, he replied that he wouldn't make firm plans before this Thursday, to see how the work in the hall has progressed (which makes sense); Since Jessie and his team were out of the hall this weekend, A few detector experts could switch their detectors on and make some tests e.g. GEMs

Subsystem Updates

  1. HCAL:
  2. BBCal:
  3. Timing Hodoscope:
  4. Grinch:
  5. GEMS:
  6. DAQ:
  7. Replay Analysis: