RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday November 2nd

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Meetings Page

RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator Status

Nothing new wrt accelerator, i.e. also no change of schedule (maintenance day on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, configuration change starting on Friday Nov. 5th through the weekend, resuming operations on Monday Nov. 8th, Owl

Hall A Status and News

Subsystem Updates

  1. HCAL: analysis scripts may need update in regard of new analyzer development; HCal HV?
  2. BBCal: inventory of supplies for airflow manifold for BBPS/SH+hodoscope; Arun talked with Ellen measuring field inside and outside BBPS; want to take data tonight;
  3. Timing Hodoscope:
  4. Grinch: time window adjusted to find TDCs signal; Signal reversal (leading/trailing edge swap) due to cabling upside-down? => fixed in software; standing issue: time ordering of the hits (ToT does not match FADC amplitude).
  5. GEMS: about ready to start GEMs. need ask Jessie for chamber swap;
  6. Beamline: working on getting SBSVME29 in replay
  7. DAQ: need to check that DAQ is ready;
  8. Replay Analysis: factor 3 speed improvement after removing ReleaseWithDebugInfo option from CMakeLists.txt in SBS-offline; reduce footprint of GEM pedestal histograms; trying to improve time calculation to improve background rejection by timing.