Checking 50k Plots

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<<SBS Main<< HOW TOs (BigBite Spectrometer)

This page describes what to look for when evaluating the 50k replay plots to check HCal's performance.

Where to Find HCal 50k Plots

After each production run a replay of the raw data on 50k events will be performed and the results posted to the HALOG under the title '50k replay plots for run XXXXX'. In this log entry will be an attachment called 'summaryPlots_12628_hcal_50k.pdf' which contains the plots described here.

What to Look for in HCal 50k Plots

This section will describe the plots for the HCal 50k replay and what one should look for when checking them. Note that sometimes plots are added or removed from this output so each plot may not always be exactly where described here.

Summary Plots Page 1

Figure 1. HCal 50k Plots pg1.

The top left plot labeled 'Cluster ADC time over all channels : HCAL' shows the fADC times of the clusters found in HCal (an energy cut is applied). The fADC window is currently 160 ns. The events coincident in HCal and BBCal are calibrated to occur in the fADC window at about 60 ns. There should be a Gaussian beginning to form aroun 60 ns. If this structure is missing there may have been a trigger time or latency change that the experts need to address.

Summary Plots Page 2

Summary Plots Page 3

Summary Plots Page 4

Summary Plots Page 5

Summary Plots Page 6

Summary Plots Page 7

Summary Plots Page 8