RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday December 7th

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RC Meeting Information

Run Coordinator: Eric King

Location: Counting House Conference Room

Time: 3:15PM

Remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 1-888-240-2560

Bluejeans CODE: 256 205 934

Upcoming Shifts Which Need To Be Filled

Many shifts were signed up for yesterday. Thank you. A total of 15 14 shifts remain until the winter break shutdown:

  1. Wed Dec 8th, OWL, SL
  2. Thur Dec 9th, OWL, TO
  3. Fri Dec 10th, OWL, TO
  4. Sat Dec 11th, OWL, SL
  5. Sat Dec 11th, DAY, SL
  6. Sat Dec 11th, DAY, TO
  7. Sat Dec 11th, SWING, TO
  8. Sun Dec 12th, OWL, SL
  9. Sun Dec 12th, DAY, TO
  10. Sun Dec 12th, SWING, TO
  11. Wed Dec 15th, OWL, SL
  12. Fri Dec 17th, OWL, TO
  13. Sat Dec 18th, OWL, TO
  14. Sat Dec 18th, DAY, TO
  15. Sun Dec 19th, DAY, TO

Accelerator and Hall Status

  • (Accelerator) [Monday SWING] Extended downtime event that lasted approximately three hours [1].
    • A phone call was made to the Crew Chief to ask if it was possible to get an escorted access for Zeke or Holly to perform a visual inspection of the INFN J0 GEM; unfortunately, the Crew Chief said that he was unable to spare anyone for an escorted access.
  • (Accelerator) [Tuesday OWL] Several ~30min downtime events during Tuesday OWL. Beam quality: sketchy.
  • (Accelerator) In response to a question asked yesterday, there is no planned RF recovery before winter break.
  • (Hall) The pulser data runs for the GRINCH were performed during the aforementioned downtime [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10].
  • (Hall) Cosmics were taken during down time [11].
  • (Hall) With regards to the GEM's trip dwell time: the INFN chamber HV PS module has a minimum dwell time of 0.1 sec; the UVA chamber Weiner MPOD HV modules have a minimum trip dwell time of 1 millisec. The GUI was updated to increase the precision of the trip time to accommodate milliseconds. [Email Chain: Xinzhan, Stephen Wood, et al.]
  • (Hall) Sean has temporarily disabled fibers 16-19 to avoid DAQ crashes. These belong to the JO GEM [12] [13].
  • (Hall) Obtained escorted access for Zeke at the tail end of the extended downtime. Zeke to provide HALOG entry on any observations.

During Extended Down Time

  • (GEM) Would like to take special lower-HV test runs while beam is off.
  • (BBCal) May potentially need more cosmics data.
  • (HCal) Would like to take special data runs.

Run Plan

Continue taking production data. :) We entered Cycle 8 during OWL shift.

  • Bogdan will update/extend run plans available on the SBS Wiki.
  • (Running change) The total triggered events on LH2 was reduced by 50% from 12M to 6M. [Email Chain Bogdan, Alex, Brian, et al.]
  • (Shifters) As per yesterday's RC meeting, there was an incident where all HCal HV values dropped to zero and a soft reset was performed in the Java GUI which fixed the issue. If this occurs again, Scott or Sebastian should be called [14].

Data Collected (RC Week)

Data collected by shift.

Week 12/1 thru 12/8
Triggered Events (Millions)
Day Shift LH2 LD2 Dummy
Dec 1 SWING 10.0 - -
Dec 2 OWL 1.0 20.2 -
DAY - 60.6 -
SWING 20.5 5.6 2.7
Dec 3 OWL - 43.4 -
DAY 20.4 27.0 -
SWING - 38.2 -
Dec 4 OWL - 48.2 -
DAY 7.9 40.9 -
SWING - 44.0 3.5
Dec 5 OWL 13.0 40.8 -
DAY - 47.3 -
SWING 12.9 30.1 -
Dec 6 OWL - 50.2 -
DAY 12.1 30.3 -
SWING - 30.1 -
Dec 7 OWL 6.0 20.0 3.5
DAY - 30.0 -
SWING - 18.4 -
Dec 8 OWL
Total Triggered Events: 103.8 627.0 9.7

By Cycle:

Week 12/1 thru 12/8
Triggered Events (Millions)
1 11.0 80.8 2.7
2 20.5 76.0 -
3 20.4 86.4 -
4 7.9 84.9 3.5
5 13.0 88.1 -
6 12.9 80.3 -
7 12.1 80.4 3.5
8 6.0 ~48.4
Totals 103.8 625.3 9.7

Opportunistic Access Requests (Running List)

  • [Ralph] Timing hodoscope (remove card which will stay in hall).
  • [Maria/Todd] GRINCH (Could use any reasonable amount of time [LED runs]).
  • [Holly or anyone qualified] Escorted access to get a visual inspection of the INFN JO GEM.
    • Would require a extended down (Holly lives ~20 minutes away, OWL is okay).
  • Removal of INFN J2 from Hall [Jessie has been contacted about this; will be completed over winter break barring an opportunistic access before then].
  • [Sebastian] BB Trigger (Trig ref) and check TDC channels

Unresolved Issues

  • [Resolution underway] Hodoscope HV alarms going off [15]; I created a HALOG entry and tagged Ralph/Rachael [16]. Apparent repeat of issue on 11/25 [17]. Ralph came in to double check the issue and make sure it wasn’t a hodoscope hardware problem. Ralph will be coordinating with Stephen Wood on a resolution.

Subsystem Updates (Will be filled in after meeting)

  1. HCal
    1. Updating Wiki with document for what shift crew should look for in the 50K Replay plots.
    2. Would like to be notified during an extended beam down for opportunity to perform special runs.
  2. BBCal
    1. May want more cosmics data. What Sean took today may be sufficient.
  3. Timing Hodoscope
    1. Everything looks fine.
    1. Currently evaluating yesterday's data; will post preliminary results.
  5. GEMS
    1. Nothing visually wrong in today's GEM inspection during access [18] [19].
    2. Need to develop plan to test different lower HV settings. GEM experts would like to be notified on extended down to perform special runs.
    3. Xinzhan will soon change trip dwell time on UVa GEMs from 100ms to 1ms.
  6. Beamline
    1. Unser calibration analysis (preliminary results) [20]
  7. Replay analysis
    1. No updates to report.

Other Items

Email from Bogdan to Jessie about production of new cover for a BB size vacuum window made from 1/8" Al plate to be installed with a request to complete this on the next RF recovery day. Email was CC'd to Alex, Brian, Andrew, Eric and myself.