RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday December 10th
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Revision as of 18:54, 10 December 2021 by Bquinn (Talk | contribs) (→Opportunistic Access Requests (Running List))
RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Brian Quinn
Location: Counting House Conference Room
Time: 3:15PM
Remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934
Toll-Free Number (U.S.& Canada): 1-888-240-2560
Bluejeans Meeting ID: 256 205 934
No RC meeting this weekend... unless something comes up
Upcoming Shifts Which Need Filled
A total of 4 shifts remain until the winter break shutdown one of which is tomorrow!!!!!
- Sat Dec 11th, DAY, SL
- Wed Dec 15th, OWL, SL
- Fri Dec 17th, OWL, TO
- Sat Dec 18th, OWL, TO
Thanks!!! to Thir, Scott, Nathaniel, Maria, Bob, Sean, Kondo, Albert, and Zeke!!!
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Possible 4-hour optics studies 7 AM Tuesday.
- Requested controlled access, if so. Decision to be made 9 AM Monday.
- 1/8" Al sheet placed outside BB vacuum window on target chamber (previous 1 cm plastic removed)
- Now running with higher currents (11 uA for LD2, 15 uA for LH2)
- Increased BB trigger threshold to 480 mV (from 470) (DT ~ 8% -> ~5% for LD2) to lower trigger rate to 2600 Hz instead of 3200 Hz.
To Be Done During Extended Down Time
- (BBCal) Would like more cosmic data at nominal HV.
- (HCal) Would like to take LED-only runs
- Removal of INFN J2 from Hall. (Jessie) Zeke would like it to be ASAP after end of December run.
Run Plan
- Finished Cycle 12 today
- Did low current (2 uA) test runs with GEM voltages decreased by 50, 25, and 0 on LD2
- Now taking LD2 data for Cycle 13
- Continue following cycle pattern and ticking off runs-completed on paper copy at SL desk
- Friday swing shift: SBS-off running. 2hr LH2, 3hr LD2 (Need to change BB Cal HV settings)
Now in progress, should return to completing cycle 13 a little after midnight.
Opportunistic Access Requests (Running List)
- Put network-readable 'scope on trigger signals to quickly identify 70 ns timing shifts. (Alexandre)
- Try changing HV channel for J0 lower module (to see whether lower current is a result of bad read-back) and perhaps check HV divider (if accessible) (Zeke or Holly).
- Remove unused HV card from HV mainframe for hodoscope (Ralph)
- GRINCH (change pulser brightness) (Todd/Maria)
- Maybe, if rate of failure increases, change rpi & SD card in HCal's upper HV mainframe (Sebastian & Ellen)
Resolved Issues
- Low DAQ rate alarm for hung MPD (End, Reset(twice?), configure, download)
- GRINCH LED pulser now prescaled (PS5=4) to give ~10 Hz
- "MPD NotFound" error:
- See two-page printout from GEM documentation, on SL desk
- On page 3, section 3.3 (marked by bracket in the margin) tells how to boot the VTP crate
- If that doesn't fix it, see the next page for how to boot UVa MPD crate (or call Alexandre or GEM expert on call)
Unresolved Issues
- Hodoscope HV alarms (Ralph and Steve are working on it)
- BBCal HV alarms with CH HV-control showing HV off by more than 50 V while JavaGUI shows it at setpoint
- BBCal HV alarm with JavaGui showing HV at ~500 V
- Occasional timing shifts of ~70 ns
- GRINCH sync errors (can be ignored)
Subsystem Updates
- HCal
- F1 errors (HCal sync errors)... Don't ignore!! End, Reset(twice?), Configure, Download.
- Correlation plot of HCal ADC time and HCal TDC gives clear sign of 70 ns shift in either ADC or TDC.
- Binder of good and bad HCal plots for LH2 and LD2 target will be put in CH
- BBCal
- Timing Hodoscope
- How is progress on identifying right RF pulse??? Covered at today's DAQ mtg?
- HV has been adjusted to give ~10 ns time-over-threshold for single photoelectron
- HV was lowered 50 V for test. Efficiency stayed high, but number of tracks dropped ~25% ????
- Kondo suggests resulting 20% drop of leakage current may increase the gain (because of less sag of last element of divider chain.
- Kondo opposes increasing beam current to take advantage of decrease in leakage current, if we choose to run with the lower voltage.
- Diagnosing efficiency would be easier with low current runs (~1-2 uA) on either LH2 or LD2 with low BBcal threshold to give ~3 kHz trigger rate. Done today.
- Nilanga recommends changing GEM HV with HV turned off, to prevent typo from destroying a GEM.... or set a maximum on the HV control system. (Done for today's test.)
- J0 top may be usable.
- J0 bottom may have only a problem with current read-back on HV power supply channel, or problem with HV divider.
- Beamline
- Unser has been calibrated with precision-current source
- BCM calibration w.r.t. Unser can be done with existing data at different beam currents.
- Bullseye scan using BPM to set beam deflection, and harp to quantify beam deflection calibrates BPM (relative to harp). This is not of obvious use to this experiment.
- If bullseye scan used raster magnets to move beam to corners of raster range and calibrated that w.r.t. harp, that MIGHT be of use, if the <x|x> and <x'|x> matrix elements are large enough to significantly affect extraction of p, based on precise knowledge of x-position at target, obtained from raster settings during normal operation.
- Evaluation of sensitivity of extracted-p on x-position must be evaluated to determine whether understanding of x-position as a function of raster current significantly improves determination of p. (Bogdan predicts that raster-position can affect p-extraction at 0.5%-level.)
- Replay analysis
- Replayed low-current LD2.
- J-cached optics runs of SBS-11.
- Straight-through run of SBS-11 was used to extract GEM alignment info.
- Will re-run optics runs using alignment info.
- Will look for LH2 elastic events to use them to understand BBCal and HCal responses.