SBS Replay Variable Names
From SBS wiki
HCal Variable Definitions
- These definitions from the following source files defined in SBS-offline. See github for more information.
- SBSCalorimeter.cxx
- SBSGenericDetector.cxx
- One can search any working build of SBS-offline for “rVarDef” to find the location of these definitions.
- From the build src directory: grep -nr “rvardef*” .
- All definitions below are recorded in the following order: { <variable extension>, <Definition>, <SBS-offline designation> },
- All definitions below are accessed from the tree with the prepend sbs.hcal.
- Ex. sbs.hcal.clus_blk.atime
ADC Variables
{ "adcrow", "Row for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCrow" }), { "adccol", "Col for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCcol" }), { "adcelemID", "Element ID for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADCelemID" }), { "adclayer", "Layer for block in data vectors", "fGood.ADClayer" }), { "ped", "Pedestal for block in data vectors", "fGood.ped" }), { "a","ADC integral", "fGood.a"} ); { "a_mult","ADC # hits in channel", "fGood.a_mult"} ); { "a_p","ADC integral - ped", "fGood.a_p"} ); { "a_c","(ADC integral - ped)*gain", "fGood.a_c"} ); { "a_amp","ADC pulse amplitude", "fGood.a_amp"} ); { "a_amp_p","ADC pulse amplitude -ped", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amp_c","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*gain*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amptrig_p","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_amptrig_c","(ADC pulse amplitude -ped)*gain*AmpToIntRatio", "fGood.a_amp_p"} ); { "a_time","ADC pulse time", "fGood.a_time"} ); { "hits.a", "All ADC inntegrals", "fRaw.a" }); { "hits.a_amp", "All ADC amplitudes", "fRaw.a_amp" }); { "hits.a_time", "All ADC pulse times", "fRaw.a_time" });
ADC Waveform Variables
{ "samps_idx", "Index in samples vector for given row-col module", "fGood.sidx" }); { "nsamps" , "Number of samples for given row-col", "fGood.nsamps"}); { "samps", "Calibrated ADC samples", "fGood.samps" }); { "samps_elemID", "Calibrated ADC samples", "fGood.samps_elemID" });
TDC Variables
{ "tdcrow", "Row for block in data vectors", "fGood.TDCrow" }), { "tdccol", "Col for block in data vectors", "fGood.TDCcol" }), { "tdcelemID", "Element ID for block in data vectors", "fGood.TDCelemID" }), { "tdclayer", "Layer for block in data vectors", "fGood.TDClayer" }), { "tdc", "Calibrated TDC value", "fGood.t" }); { "tdc_mult", "TDC # of hits per channel", "fGood.t_mult" }); { "tdc_te", "Calibrated TDC trailing info", "fGood.t_te" }); { "tdc_tot", "Time Over Threshold", "fGood.t_ToT" }); { "hits.TDCelemID", "All TDC Element ID", "fRaw.TDCelemID" }); { "hits.t", "All TDC leading edge times", "fRaw.t" }); { "hits.t_te", "All TDC trailing edge times", "fRaw.t_te" }); { "hits.t_tot", "All TDC Time-over-threshold", "fRaw.t_ToT" });
Cluster Variables
{ "nclus", "Number of clusters meeting threshold", "fNclus" }, { "e", "Energy (MeV) of largest cluster", "GetE()" }, { "e_c", "Corrected Energy (MeV) of largest cluster", "GetECorrected()" }, { "atimeblk", "ADC time of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetAtime()" }, { "tdctimeblk", "TDC time of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetTDCtime()" }, { "eblk", "Energy (MeV) of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetEBlk()" }, { "eblk_c", "Corrected Energy (MeV) of highest energy block in the largest cluster", "GetEBlkCorrected()" }, { "rowblk", "Row of block with highest energy in the largest cluster", "GetRow()" }, { "colblk", "Col of block with highest energy in the largest cluster", "GetCol()" }, { "x", "x-position (mm) of largest cluster", "GetX()" }, { "y", "y-position (mm) of largest cluster", "GetY()" }, { "nblk", "Number of blocks in the largest cluster", "GetNblk()" }, { "idblk", "Logic number of block with highest energy in cluster", "GetBlkID()" },
Cluster Member Variables
{ "clus.e", "Energy of cluster", "fOutclus.e"}, { "clus.atime", "ADC time of cluster", "fOutclus.atime"}, { "clus.tdctime", "TDC time of cluster", "fOutclus.tdctime"}, { "clus.e_c","Energy calibrated of cluster", "fOutclus.e_c"}, { "clus.x", "x-position of cluster", "fOutclus.x"}, { "clus.y", "y-position of cluster", "fOutclus.y"}, { "clus.row","block row in cluster with highest energy", "fOutclus.row" }, { "clus.col","block col in cluster with highest energy", "fOutclus.col" }, { "","block number in cluster", "" }, { "clus.nblk","number of blocks in cluster", "fOutclus.n" }, { "clus.eblk", "Energy of block with highest energy in cluster", "fOutclus.blk_e"}, { "clus.eblk_c","Energy calibrated of block with highest energy in cluster", "fOutclus.blk_e_c"},
Primary Cluster Member Variables
{ "clus_blk.e", "Energy of block in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.e"}, { "clus_blk.e_c","Energy calibrated of block in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.e_c"}, { "clus_blk.x", "x-position of block in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.x"}, { "clus_blk.y", "y-position of block in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.y"}, { "clus_blk.row","block row in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.row" }, { "clus_blk.atime","block ADC time in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.atime" }, { "clus_blk.tdctime","block TDC time in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.tdctime" }, { "clus_blk.col","block col in main cluster", "fMainclusblk.col" }, { "","block number in main cluster", "" },
"Good" Block Variables
{ "goodblock.e", "Energy of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.e"}, { "goodblock.atime", "Energy of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.ADCTime"}, { "goodblock.tdctime", "Energy of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.TDCTime"}, { "goodblock.row", "Row of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.row"}, { "goodblock.col", "Col of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.col"}, { "goodblock.x", "x pos (m) of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.x"}, { "goodblock.y", "y pos (m) of good blocks", "fGoodBlocks.y"}, { "", "Element ID of good blocks", ""},