RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday November 9th

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RC Meeting Information

Time:at 3:30pm today

  • Location: Counting house conference room

Useful Links

Current Status

Hall Status

  • We were down following the sweep yesterday at 4:30pm due to accelerator issues. This delayed beginning beam checkout until end of swing (~4hrs).
  • During owl we were delayed during functional ion chamber tests due to two unresponsive ion chambers (beam dump left and compton). After some discussion with MCC, SSG made two accesses to correct the issue and restore function to the ion chambers.
  • Early during day shift, we worked with MCC to have work on the 3rd pass separator done. No beam during this time (~1hr).
  • We are in beam permit now and working through beam checkout procedures.
  • Target polarization is ongoing.

Open Issues

  • During day, the cooling jet alarms indicated loss of nitrogen flow to the beryllium windows. Our single replacement canister on-hand had a leak. We located a spare (thanks Hall D!) and installed it, restoring the cooling jets. Jack Segal is aware of the issue and we expect a replacement dewar today.
  • Heater RTD signals are inconsistent. Currently running at same heater power as kinematic 2. Possible update from target team.
  • Calibration constant at the current kinematic setting. Open discussion.
  • If holding field is changed for any reason, do NOT perform an NMR measurement.

Polarized Target

  • Current Polarization: 15% (as of 10:57)
  • Please be mindful of necessary screenshots and frequency detailed in target procedure.
  • Hourly screenshots are necessary for the laser gui.
  • Possible update from target team.


  • GEM LV work over down. Update from Zeke.

Any additional subsystem updates?

Future Plans

  • Hall currently in restricted access until S&A is complete.
  • Following S&A, we will conduct field measurements with SBS and BB on under special provision and with Jack's help.
  • Target installation will follow field measurements and be conducted into Tuesday owl. TO is expected to be on-site from Monday swing onward.

Other Topics

Experimental progress (for MCC planning meeting)

  • 6.1% of accumulated charge for production data (13.55 Coulombs out of 232)
  • 32% Experimental run time (45 out of 141 days)

Run Plan After Configuration Change

Continue to update 'standard' run plan for 3-pass data taking as necessary.

Current Plan:

  • GEM luminosity studies could be performed between beam restoration and target polarization. See procedure.
  • NMR measurement every 2-3 hours. See procedure.
  • Restore beam. One time process led by Simona before production.
  • Optics and H2 Ref Cell (Sometime during run)
  • Production Run Plan
    • 1.) He-3 runs, at 45uA of beam current. Use ps3==0, ps5=12, all others -1. Take four runs that should each last for one hour.
    • 2.) Move the target to the pickup coil position, and the TO should run an NMR sweep to measure the polarization.
    • 3.) Return to step 1.)

While on shift:

  • Keep an eye out for drifting BPM positions
  • Log all DAQ crashes in the excel worksheet along with the reason for the crash
  • If beam has been down due to accelerator issues perform a checkout of the beam profile by doing harp scans and check beam centering on target using the Carbon hole target, see Simona's procedure: procedure, If in doubt about whether you should go through the beam checkout procedure, call this number: 7578693131.
  • Cross check the rate with what is expected: log
  • Cross check with the expected ion chamber readings: log

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

All SL shifts are on standby today

Be sure to follow these procedures:

Shifts and Long Term Issues

  • Shift Openings: We're looking good for now! Schedule

Planned Accesses to the Hall

In restricted Access. Survey and alignment ongoing.

Special Requests

Nothing scheduled at present.