RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday October 14th

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Return to the RC Meeting Calendar

RC Meeting Information

Time:at 3:30pm today

  • Location: Counting house conference room

Useful Links

Current Status

Accelerator and Hall Status

  • We will take the Hall to "Controlled Access" tomorrow as soon as possible to accommodate all the work requests.
  • Since Hall B is going to be down for a while we have requested MCC to change Wien angle tomorrow to maximize the polarization to Hall A. They have agreed to do so.
  • We will stick to our previous plan to do a Moller measurement on Thursday. Should we take a mini spin dance measurement as well?
  • If we stick to 45uA then MCC will not have to do a BLA calibration to Hall A BCM on Wednesday. They will have to do it if they need to send 60uA to both Hall A and C. Should we cancel our plan to do BCM calibration on Wednesday then?
  • After a long downtime (4hrs+9hrs) we got beam back around 5pm yesterday. Then doing beam checkout and troubleshooting some BBGEM HV issue took another 3 hours. So, we could start production only around 8pm.
  • Things have been smooth since then. MCC seems to be able to send us 45uA now.
  • We had some DAQ related issues this morning but they are fixed now. Thanks to GEM folks and Alex.

Current Activity and Issues


  • DAQ gets stuck somewhat frequently without obvious warning/error message. Shift crew gets confused and it may end up taking hours to fix. Is it possible to force CODA to throw better error messages? - Alex


  • Target motion control GUI gets stuck occasionally (happed twice in 2 weeks) which ends up taking several hours to fix. Seems like remote fix is possible. Probably having detailed instructions for shift crew on how to fix it can save several hours of good beam time? - Arun
  • Resetting lasers while they trip. Is it possible to make changes so that TOs can do it? - Arun


  • Dump right Ion chamber unresponsive. For now director of operations agreed to allow running with just one dump IC. - J. Kowal and team will work on it (& Compton IC) tomorrow

Run Plan

Current Plan

  • Continue taking production data
  1. 43uA of beam current | Use ps3=ps5=0, ps1=9, ps2=15, rest =-1 | One hour long runs
  2. Move the target to the pickup coil position and do an NMR sweep every 2/3 hours
  3. Return to step 1.


  • Optics runs with sieve in - Should we put sieve in tomorrow before taking beam?
  • Calibration runs on H2 - Do we have enough for this pass?
  • Moller measurement - Thursday day shift (Mini Spin dance?)
  • GEM luminosity study

Subsystems Updates

Polarized Target

  • Polarization: 42.4% (12:17pm)

Quick Summary on the performance of every sub-system during GEn




Instructions for Shift Crew

  • Keep an eye out for drifting BPM positions
  • If beam has been down due to accelerator issues perform a checkout of the beam profile by doing harp scans and check beam centering on target using the Carbon hole target, see Simona's procedure: procedure, If in doubt about whether you should go through the beam checkout procedure, call this number: 7578693131.
  • Cross check the rate with what is expected: He3, H2
  • Cross check with the expected ion chamber readings: log
  • If holding field is changed for any reason, do NOT perform an NMR measurement.

Be sure to follow these procedures:


Experimental progress (for MCC planning meeting)

  • 6.1% of accumulated charge for production data (13.55 Coulombs out of 232)
  • 32% Experimental run time (50 out of 141 days)