RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday January 6th

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Return to the RC Meeting Calendar

RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Donald Jones
Time: Daily at 3:30PM
Location: Counting House Conference Room

Remote Connection Details

Current Status and Run Plan

Hall A is in restricted access.

  • Magnetic field measurements complete.
  • Laser alignment nearing completion.
  • Target cell installation Monday.
  • Hot checkout Tuesday Day and Lockup Swing
  • Wednesday ops is tuning beam into the Hall
  • Physics starts on Thursday

Subsystem Readiness Checks

  • Target : field measurements, target laser alignment/calibration, cell readiness, gas system for dummy target, cooling jets, foil ladder
  • Bigbite: magnets, calorimeter, hodoscope, GRINCH, cosmic run with magnets on
  • SBS: magnets, correctors, corrector current settings known?
  • GEMs: gas, HV...
  • Beamline: raster, quads, BCMs, BPMs, Ion Chambers, vacuum quality good and valves operating properly, cooling jets on window
  • DAQs: SBS, parity
  • Moller polarimeter: magnets, HV, DAQ, SC magnet, target motion
  • Alarm Handler: running and sound up. All channels with active alarms understood and documented
  • Counting House: displays up and chalkboard info transferred
  • Kin 4 kinematic spreadsheet setup
  • Analyzer and 50k replay ready and bug free
  • Charge feedback: new photocathode installed with QE=0.6%. May require new setpoints to get low Aq.
  • Detailed runplan: the RC will need to know how many hours on dummy, and different foil configurations along with any off-production field settings that are needed. Decision on what current we will be running for startup.
  • Placeholder for what I missed....

Shift Schedule

Target shifts starting next Weds with full shifts starting Day Jan 12th. [1]

Meeting Summary

Hall Summary: things are progressing efficiently and on time or ahead of schedule. Compass measurements are ongoing. Hunter and Gordon will continue laser alignment and optics work. Target installation on Monday and HCO Tuesday with lockup on Swing. Target folks are requesting RADcon support Saturday. Jessie isn't fond of the idea since Radcon has been oversubscribed supporting things this week. Is this necessary? Jessie's question for the target and laser folks is how far would it set us back to finish optics work on Monday morning prior to installation of the target.

Subsystems updates

  • Target : all folks on this team busy but things going well. Field measurements complete. Compass measurements complete. Laser characterization and alignment work will continue over weekend.
  • Bigbite: all ready.
  • SBS: NIM crate needs to be replaced.
  • GEMs: monitoring gas flow. Planning to come in on Sunday to resolve APV issues on layer 2.
  • Beamline: beryllium window section replaced. Don't expect vacuum issue. One IC in the dump isn't operational. SSG is going to put in a temporary setup on Monday.
  • DAQs: parity DAQ ready to go. Will have to wait and see if new pita slopes needed.
  • Moller polarimeter: ready to go. Checked out.
  • Alarm Handler: who can add the IC mask to the alarms?
  • Counting House: new whiteboard.
  • Kin 4 kinematic spreadsheet setup:
  • Analyzer and 50k replay ready and bug free: new software alignment will be required due to GEM work. New optics model needed to be input so vertex reconstruction will work out of box when needed on carbon hole centering. Takes 1hr.
  • Charge feedback: ready to run but need to be watchful that it is working during initial runs.
  • Detailed runplan: the RC will need to know how many hours on dummy, and different foil configurations along with any off-production field settings that are needed. Decision on what current we will be running for startup.