GEn Analysis Meeting March 28 2024 10AM EST

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  1. Preshower energy cut-> Jack Jackson cut.pdf
  2. Target vertex cut -> Hunter Presley Target Vertex Cut (1).pdf
  3. Number of hits per track cut -> Vimukthi Haththothuwa Gamage Bb.gem.track.nhits.pdf
  4. BBCal energy cuts -> Gary Penman [1]
  5. Proposed GEN asymmetry analysis procedure -> Bogdan Wojtsekhowski [2]


Arun, Hunter, Gordon, Andrew, Braian, David, Gary, Jack, Jacob, Jiwan, Saru, Sean, Todd, Vimukthi, Vladimir, Bogdan, Kate, Don


Jack's talk:

  • It makes sense that at higher Q2, the pion peak dominates
  • Better GEN4 BBCal calibrations will help clean up the peaks for this ps.e cut
  • Do we have a sense for how many good events we're losing by making the cut tighter around the electron peak?
    • Electron energy doesn't vary all that much between kinematics, so the way the electron peak looks in GEN2 tells us what it'll look like in GEN4
    • Efficiency of electrons for a 0.2GeV is pretty good.

Hunter's talk:

  • proposed 1-sigma cut on the mean of the peak for each window
    • suggested absolute cut includes ~55cm of the 60cm target
  • entire peak should ideally be gone, so maybe a 3-sigma fit would be better
  • if you only look at quasi-elastics, you don't see these peaks:

Screen Shot 2024-03-21 at 10.23.23 AM.png

  • use the real world knowledge of the width of the target windows to help understand the smearing
  • it might be good to use a window cut when we want to cut out background (get shape of background)
  • aside from Bogdan: data from optics target gives empirical information about N2?
  • this cut may not be needed in general if it is already taken care of by other cuts/calibrations
    • later we can sanity check this cut value

Vimukthi's talk:

  • bb.gem.track.ntrack == 1
    • this might be too tight
    • look at first track regardless of number of tracks found so that we don't artificially lower efficiency
    • "first track" is a complicated topic that would take a long time to explain, but it is directly related to the quality of the track (straight line through GEMs, hitting calorimeters, etc)
    • change to bb.gem.track.ntrack >= 1 - Andrew
  • some documentation on GEM tracking

Gary's talk:

  • H2 events don't populate a certain area so it makes sense that if bbcal calibrations are only based on those then it makes sense that these areas aren't well calibrated
  • further bbcal calibrations using generic electrons instead of H2 data will help

Bogdan's talk:

  • assume you know helicity, what does this event tell you about it
    • not quite a measurement of helicity
  • this is a slightly different method than original GEN formalism
  • this should lead to the same results
    • experiment is stable with time (not helicity correlated beam corrections)
    • charge asymmetry? amount of beam in helicty left = helicity right? Should be true
      • there are not totally trivial charge asymmetries that should be considered
  • A_i depends on Q2 and each event has a separate Q2
    • GM and GE are kinematic dependent
  • event-by-event kinematic corrections is being done here
    • dependence on Q2 is certainly not small
    • great improvement to look at event-by-event instead of averaging over the entire experiment
  • should chi-squared minimize to 1? no
    • how is this chi-squared metric consistent?
  • implement where the polarization of the beam is constant?
    • steps in beam polarization add uncertainty

Think about Bogdan's method for discussion next week!

Meeting link information

See email invitation, or contact Arun Tadepalli for Zoom link.