Tuesday, August 13, 2024
From SBS wiki
- Andrew: a few minor developments in SBSCalorimeter classes: bug fix in "cluster index" assignment for optional "good blocks" output, additional timing-related variables and outputs for SBSCalorimeter
- Discussion on status of trigger simulations for all four Q2 points (coincidence lookup table development and rate estimation)
- We decided to assign students to take on the trigger simulations, dividing things up by Q^2 point, with each student (Sarah, Jacob, Jhih-Ying, Kip, others?) working through the whole machinery:
- Assignments (final beam energies, angles, and ECAL distances are defined in the table here:
- 3-pass (“GEP1”): Sarah
- 4-pass (“GEP2”): Jacob
- 2-pass (“GEP2a”): Jhih-Ying
- 5-pass (“GEP3”): Kip (already done in principle but need to repeat with final beam energy and ECAL angle/distance)
- Set up working g4sbs installation on the farm
- Configure and run g4sbs elastic ep simulations for each Q^2 point (probably ~1-5 million events needed to define full coincidence logic)
- Analyze elastic data to define position-dependent thresholds for each ECAL/HCAL cluster and analyze correlations to define coincidence lookup table
- Generate a sufficiently large sample of PYTHIA6 minimum-bias events for trigger rate estimation (ECAL+HCAL singles, real and accidental coincidences) (something on the order of 10^8-10^9 events per Q^2 point, store these in a common location on the farm)
- Track PYTHIA events through g4sbs
- Analyze g4sbs/PYTHIA output using the appropriate coincidence logic, estimate singles rates ECAL+HCAL, plus real and accidental coincidences.
- Round-table status updates on your subsystems/projects (ran out of time, postpone to next week)
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