Controlling HV on Left HRS

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<< SBS Main<< Documentation<< LHRS for SBS

Login to adaqsc as aslow and start the HV GUI

          ssh -X adaqsc -l aslow

password same as "adaq" (similar to "adev" but replace 12gev by 12daq)

Then "cd slowc" and

[aslow@adaqsc slowc]$ ./hvs LEFT

You might need to turn on the crate if it's not already on. And remember there is a software switch "on" (Java GUI) as well as hardware switches. We generally don't turn off the hardware switches, but it's possible someone did. There are TWO hardware items: The main chassis and the 24V supply. The 24V supply is that silver box below the main chassis which feeds power via a heavy cable on the front of the chassis.

For reasons not entirely clear, sometimes the server does not work. One symptom is that the "hvs" GUI will not initialize. Another symptom is that the GUI may be already running but you cannot change any HV values. This server runs on rpi8. The awkward but certain way to recover the server:

First, note that although the server may stop working, the HV itself generally
remains on, except for trips (which tend to be rare).  "Server not working" means
you cannot communicate with the HV crate, i.e. send commands or see refreshed 
values of HV and current.

---------- to recover ----------

login to rpi8

       ssh -X rpi8 -l pi 

I can't say the pw here, but its the same as on other rpi's.
(call Bob M. if you need this pw)

       sudo reboot

At this point you can wait a few minutes for the server to restart
itself (it starts with a cron job), or if you're impatient login again
and execute this script:


It will print a lot of stuff, and you should leave the window alone.
But again, if you decide to wait for the server to start on its own
you don't need to login and start that script.  Just wait.

Finally, on adaq1 as aslow, do the start procedure mentioned above.

      cd slowc
      ./hvs LEFT