GRINCH Gas Panel Camera
From SBS wiki
<<SBS Main<< HOW TOs (BigBite Spectrometer)
The camera image can be accessed from a terminal in any hadesk computer by typing at the terminal
ssh -Y adaq@avideo2 go_cameras
Hardware Details
- IP camera at on 188 subnet
- POE camera with a power injector located in SBS DAQ bunker rack RR2. That POE injector is connected to the reboot switch noted below.
- Image/video processing done with motion software on cvideo@avideo2 (Contact Brad S. if there are issues.)
NEW The previous instruction is not working. I think it is a Firefox issue of many instances open. In a browser (Firefox work for sure):
It could ask for user
Password in the usual place (next to the VESDA box), or text an expert.
Reboot instructions
- Go to the reboot switch hareboot14 (use 'hlauser' login)
- Click on 'Outlet Action:Control' and cycle the power on switch 1 labelled GRINCH Camera
- Make a HALOG entry noting what you did and why.