GRINCH Scalers

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<<SBS Main<< HOW TOs (BigBite Spectrometer)

There are two scalers GUI, Tcl and XScalers.

Tcl GUI is capable to show all the GRINCH channels in one panel.


XScalers is the standard scalers GUI used in Hall A, but has the disadvantage of limited channels per panel. For GRINCH it is separated in 18 pages of 32 PMTs each.


NOTE: these scalers come from info from the VETROC modules. Sometimes, to make the scalers work, you need to, AT LEAST, pre-start CODA.

To run the scalers

login first:

ssh -Y a-onl@adaq1

ssh -Y a-onl@aonl1

Method 1:

 cd sbs/scaler/grinch
 ./gogrinchscalers (Tcl)


 ./xscaler grinch (XScaler)

Method 2:


Choose 1 (Tcl) or 2 (XScaler)

Start/Stop Scaler servers

To stop the server:

  ssh sbs-onl@adaq2
  cd coda_scripts/
  ./ grinch

or to start the server

  ./ grinch

Sometimes you need to close and open the scalers monitors, after stop/start the scslers.