HallA Target Alarm Handler

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<<SBS Main<<HOW TOs

Figure 1 - Click on the red toolbox in the lower left of the hacweb7 screen (4th icon from the left).
Figure 2 - The alarm handler window when there is a red alarm.
Figure 3 - The window that opens when you click on the alarm handler button. Note that the actual alarms shown here are specific to PREX and may not be the same as the ones displayed during GMn. There is an active alarm shown in red.

Start a new instance of the Hall A Alarm handler

  • First check if any other instances are running, don't duplicate alarm handlers
  • From the EPICS control computer (hacweb7), click on the red toolbox in the lower left corner (see Figure 1)
  • Click on "AlarmHandler" in the popup menu
  • The window shown in Figure 2 should appear
  • Move the alarm handler window to the upper right of the screen
  • Pin the window to all of the desktops
    • Right Click on the "AlarmHandler" in the upper left corner
    • Mouse over "To Desktop"
    • Choose "All Desktops" at the top of the drop down menu
  • Keep Above All Windows
    • Right Click on the "AlarmHandler" in the upper left corner
    • Go to Advanced, and select "Keep Above Others"
  • Open the Current Alarm History
    • Click the "View" context menu and select "Current Alarm History Window"
    • This is most useful for getting detailed information about timing and values of alarms as they accumulate
    • Information about alarms is also accessible by double clicking on items in the right half-panel

Responding to an (audible) alarm

  • Click on the alarm handler window in the upper right of the hacweb7 monitor (see Figure 2)
  • This will open a window that lists the various pieces of equipment (see Figure 3)
  • Please feel free to make strip charts out of any interesting EPICS variables that you find in the Alarm Handler or other GUIs. See Strip chart for more information.
  • If an alarm is white then it is a communications failure from an EPICS Input/Output controller (IOC) and should rectify itself in a minute or less (otherwise call the RC)
  • If an alarm is red it means that some important parameter is out of range
    • Please keep track of the set points and current value of anything that alarms, and if the alarm isn't transient and trivial please make a HALOG entry about it
    • If the alarm continues for more than a few seconds please try to understand the nature of the issue and contact the RC or other nearby experts if it isn't immediately clear how to resolve it
Figure 4 - alarm sound bars
  • To increase/decrease the volume of an alarm

There are some sound level bars at the bottom left of the screen, use the mouse to pull those bars up/down to increase/decrease the volume.