RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday, November 19th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934
Current RC: Brad Sawatzky
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Hall A remains in Controlled Access, but is ready for beam (see 4th pass separator comments below).
- Hall walkthrough completed for 3 users this morning (thank you Bob T. for supporting this)
- Hall Techs re-installed some bogie brakes on the RHRS this morning (unrelated to SBS program)
- 4th pass separator has prevented beam to Hall A since Wed afternoon.
- RF Separator work was unsuccessful as of 3pm Friday. PD Update: 4th Pass IOT
- For the curious: IOT == Inductive Output Tube. It appears to be a type of high efficiency power amplifier. IOT RF POWER SOURCES FOR PULSED AND CW LINACS
- RF Separator work was unsuccessful as of 3pm Friday. PD Update: 4th Pass IOT
Hall A will not be receiving beam this weekend. Shift leaders through Monday OWL have been notified that their shifts are cancelled. Target Operators should come in as planned.
Additional details in sub-section notes below.
For now, we are still planning to move to SBS-11 starting Monday, November 22. That will involve a ~2 day configuration change in the Hall (Mon/Tue) followed by a Pass change (Hall A 4-->5) on Wed Nov 24.
NOTE: There is a chance the pass change may be moved to Tuesday SWING shift. The final decision on this will likely be made on Monday. Plans to address the 4th pass separator issue may also impact this schedule.
Run Plan for When Beam Returns
- Beam restoration to the Hall
- Ensure target is OUT
- All other systems should be ready to go
- After initial steer-up into Hall is complete
- Verify beam profile with Harp scans
- Ramp BB and SBS to production currents
- Determine raster size and position on target
- Low current GEM runs
- 1 uA on LH2
- Take ____ 5 min long runs with different GEM HV settings for quick voltage scan (needs details)
- Take 1 30 min long run with the all GEMs at standard voltages to support track reconstruction checkout
- Move to Production Running cycle
Pending Issues
- Role sharing between SL and TO was discussed
- TO should support the SL wherever possible while still keeping primary focus on the target
- Beam Time accounting; Shift Checklist tasks are low-hanging fruit
- Suggestion is to have TO start/stop runs and maintain the Run Log spreadsheet?
- Update 'Shift responsibilities' on wiki with what is decided
- TO should support the SL wherever possible while still keeping primary focus on the target
- Run plan communication / documentation
- I suggest it should be this page (see above) coupled with log entries and supported by the Whiteboard as needed
- Don will make access the the Run Coordinator 'Run Plan / Report' page more prominent
- Don has made the Run Coordinator 'Run Plan / Report' page more visible on the wiki (and nicely formatted it)
- Need to ensure the following before restarting production:
- HCAL latencies restored [Done]
- BBCAL and HCal Thresholds restored
- Confirm new UV layer HVs are in the alarm handler and are being logged/monitored correctly
- GEM pedestals evaluated and loaded/tested for online pedestal suppression
- GEM tracking software / analyzer updated and ready?
- Upcoming shift schedule issues https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=GMn-2021
- Several open TO positions starting Nov 24
- Configuration change on Monday-Tuesday (still the plan, but watch for updates!)
- Will plan to cancel SL shifts starting Monday DAY -- Tuesday DAY; Tuesday SWING shifts will proceed as planned for now (but stay tuned)
- (Missing SL on Monday, but that is OK due to configuration change)
Subsystem Updates
- Hall Status:
- Presently in Controlled Access while MCC works on Accelerator
- HCal:
- Investigated data for fringe field effects -- seems OK
- HCAL timing plots are being updated/corrected
- BBCal:
- New HV settings made for upcoming BB/SBS on/off settings
- Contact BBCal experts to load these if/when needed
- Corrected BBCal - HCal timing plots (histogram definition errors in prior plots, now fixed)
- plots make more sense, but more clean-up cuts would likely help -- work continues
- working on cluster optimization (algorithm modifications in analyzer)
- Provokar will be out of town in the near future (will be posted on the wiki)
- Has been working on a number of 'how-to' scripts for experts (Arun, Sebastian, etc)
- New HV settings made for upcoming BB/SBS on/off settings
- Timing hodoscope:
- working on RF alignment
- HV instructions for hodoscope are in the wiki (and also re-posted to halog)
- Grinch:
- Study of LED data taken under different BB+SBS conditions underway
- Todd/Bradley will be taking some more opportunistic LED pulser data this afternoon since we won't be receiving beam
- Need a 'voltage scan' plan ready for beam restart (whenever that happens)
- RC has been been promised a list of HVs; but this will be a GEM-expert driven program
- Andrew is hitting some issues making sense of the new UV layer, not quite sure what the underlying issue is
- signals are present, perhaps software mapping and/or alignment?
- Need a 'voltage scan' plan ready for beam restart (whenever that happens)
- Beamline:
- indications that the 'clock' rate used to compute rates from scaler data in each scaler crate (SBS, LHRS) need to be checked
- clock value in analyzer likely off by a little in at least one arm
- David F will go down into the Hall and explicitly measure the rates
- Resolved: Clock signal rates measured here: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3946822
- David F is looking at scaler sanity checks with Paul
- indications that the 'clock' rate used to compute rates from scaler data in each scaler crate (SBS, LHRS) need to be checked
- DAQ:
- Alex was going to look at the instability associated with the GRINCH LED
- Alex took a look and cause is unclear
- MPD23 got 'stuck' this morning, rebooting the VTP crate solved it
- Alex reports that the LHRS scalers are not gated by the Trigger Supervisor -- will look into it
- Alex was going to look at the instability associated with the GRINCH LED
- Replay analysis:
- GEM work is ongoing
- Eric working on end-of-run report file output along with Dave F.