RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday Nov. 10, 2023

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Return to the RC Meeting Calendar

RC Meeting Information

Time: Monday - Friday at 3:30pm

  • Location: Counting house conference room
  • ZoomGov Meeting Connection Information


Useful Links


Hall A call-in instructions:

  • Call RC first.
  • Techs on site 7am-4:30pm Mon-Thu, 7-11am Fri. RC will call Hall A work coordinator (Zak) during normal working hours. After hours, RC calls Tech on-call.
  • After 9pm everything non-emergency needs to be deferred. What is emergency and what's not? Call RC. RC talks with Mark to decide.

Hall Access procedure:

  • Access check list (binder on the counting room desk) needs to be filled out before making *any* access.
  • Scan (take pictures with phone) and post it to the logbook.
  • Any work inside the SBS, BB boundary need to have PS locked out -- requires two QEWs to throw the big switch. Exception: field measurements.

Status Update

Overall Summary


  • We are optimizing the target while awaiting beam.
  • Scintillators on SBS GEMs were removed as of this morning.
  • Work on the hodoscope and ECal was requested to be done in the hall today.

Shift Plan

  • All shifts are canceled through Monday Day shift.
  • Starting Monday Swing, shifters are on standby.


  • None!

Hall A Dump Repair

  • Work on the water in building 91 as well as the electronics should have been started today.
  • People are still working on meeting the conditions set by Stuart.
  • No official timeline yet, but Wednesday is currently a reasonable day to expect beam. This is highly subject to change.

Accelerator status

Data collected :


Hall A Subsystems Status


  • Target group is working on calibrations (Bill Henry)


  • Hodoscope (Ralph Marinaro)
    • Channels seem to be fixed. [1]


  • SBS and BB are off.

Hall access requests

We are in restricted access.

NOTE: the hall will stay in restricted access through the weekend.

Shift schedule


  • Lots of open Owl shifts!

Please check when your shifts are!


Please sign up for any open shifts!

Running Plan

  • Restore beam as soon as we can!

==> List of items in case He3 production running isn’t ready: