RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday November 25th
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RC Meeting Information
RC Updates
- Finished the beam set up, thanks Jiwan and Bill.
- Running on H2 during Swing and Owl shifts.
- Started pion run after a run with empty cell.
- DAC was changed to -120mV
- We are running on H2, maybe we will run with N2, and we are negotiating to get D2.
- SBS GEMs are integrated to the DAQ (thank you Xinzhan for the fast delivery)
Short term run plan
- Sieve slit installation on Saturday and then optics.
- Getting deuterium to be delivered into the hall tomorrow. (Dave Meekins is the only authorized to deliver Deuterium due to DOE regulations, and he is not available next week).
- Prepare to install another cell (target group)
- Todd will be needed to connect the bottle to the reference cell on Monday.
- Hodoscope TDC was showing left side noisier than right. Contacted Rachel about it and we agreed to investigate first with previous replays and possibly reboot the ROC when possible.
- Dump right Ion chamber cabling needs to be changed (Jerry Kowal is aware of it)
Hall Access
- Target group to repair the cell
- Notice the we will be in Controlled Access until we have full authorization from Radcon and Arun.
- Ralph to repair or investigate dead hodoscope channels. Ladder to access the BB platform.
- Todd will connect the deuterium bottle to the reference cell.
Summary of GEn data taking
As soon I get where to get the info, I will update this part.