RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday November 4th

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RC Meeting Information

Time:at 3:30pm today

  • Location: Counting house conference room

Useful Links

Current Status

Hall Status

  • Hall in restricted access for continued configuration change operations
    • Beamline removed
    • SBS move underway
    • Possible updates from Jessie

Open Issues

  • A final RF module needs replaced in BPM VME crate. Possible update from Simona.
  • Compass field measurements were not successful. Gradient measurements will be used instead for kin 2. Possible updates from Bogdan.
  • Oven heater variac controllers need replaced and tested. Possible updates from Todd.
  • UVA optics assembly removed from optics enclosure and tested at EEL. Possible updates from Gordon.
  • Helmholtz coil field measurements need to be conducted prior to moving to kin 3 configuration. Possible updates from Bill.

Polarized Target

  • Current Polarization: N/A (Target not installed at present)
  • Hourly screenshots suspended until target installation. Lasers locked out.


  • Any Updates?

Future Plans

  • Hall in restricted access for remainder of configuration change
    • Hall access is open to subsystem experts after 1700 and before 0800
    • Please check with RC for access beyond DAQ bunker during the day

Shifts and Meetings

  • Shift leader and target operator shifts are on stand-by for the weekend. At this stage, we will require SL and TO to return Monday Owl, but SL will likely be put on stand-by through Monday.
  • Shall we conduct RC meetings over the weekend?

Other Topics

Experimental progress (for MCC planning meeting)

  • 6.1% of accumulated charge for PRODUCTION data (13.55 Coulombs out of 232)
  • 28% Experimental run time (40 out of 141 days)

Run Plan After Configuration Change

May need updated 'standard' run plan for 3-pass data taking.

NMR measurement

Restore beam

Run Plan

  • 1.) He-3 runs, at 45uA of beam current. Use ps3==0, ps5=12, all others -1. Take four runs that should each last for one hour.
  • 2.) Move the target to the pickup coil position, and the TO should run an NMR sweep to measure the polarization.
  • 3.) Return to step 1.)
  • Keep an eye out for drifting BPM positions
  • Log all DAQ crashes in the excel worksheet along with the reason for the crash
  • If beam has been down due to accelerator issues perform a checkout of the beam profile by doing harp scans and check beam centering on target using the Carbon hole target, see Simona's procedure: [1], If in doubt about whether you should go through the beam checkout procedure, call this number: 7578693131.
  • Cross check the rate with what is expected: [2]
  • Cross check with the expected ion chamber readings: [3]

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

Be sure to follow these procedures:

Shifts and Long Term Issues

  • Shift Openings: Wednesday OWL, Thursday OWL. [4]

Planned Accesses to the Hall

In Restricted Access. Configuration change ongoing.

Special Requests

Any special requests?