RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday, November 15th

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator and Hall Status

  • We have been in production running for the SBS GMN experiment (SBS-7) since Saturday swing shift, cycling through four hours of LD2 at 5 uA and one hour of LH2 at 10 uA, repeated twice, followed by one 30-minute dummy run.
  • Beam quality has been not great, high trip rate, RF and energy instabilities.
  • There was a brief down time at the beginning of Monday owl shift due to accidentally putting Loop 2 (Helium) in the beam while thinking we were using LD2. It took us a while to notice after the BBCAL trigger rates were much lower than we expect.
  • Scattering chamber vacuum issue developed just before the start of owl shift last night, this appears to have preceded and been unrelated to the incident involving putting beam on the Loop 2 (He) instead of Loop 3 (LD2).
  • Sebastian went down into the hall to troubleshoot some of the TDC channels that were giving frequent "FIFO overflow warnings" in the replays.
  • We resumed production running around 6 PM on Monday

Subsystem Updates

  1. The RC had to leave the meeting early to coordinate the controlled access to deal with the target vacuuum issue.
  1. Hall Status:
  2. HCAL:
  3. BBCal:
  4. Timing hodoscope:
  5. Grinch:
  6. GEMS:
  7. Beamline:
  8. DAQ:
  9. Replay analysis: