RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday December 5th

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RC Meeting Information

Time: Daily at 3:30pm

  • Location: Counting house conference room

Accelerator Status

  • RF recovery day on Wednesday day shift is confirm scheduled.


  • Bill Henry will host a target training session today after the RC meeting. It would be really appreciated if you could join the session if you don't have the TO training yet, as we have many TO shifts open.

Current Status

  • We've been continuing production data taking on He3 target with 36 uA beam, no major interruptions through the weekend
  • NMR polarization - 46.8% at the moment (rough)
  • During Saturday Swing shift at 22:30 PM, MCC dropped Hall A to 30 uA beam due to RF stability issue and brought us back up to 36 uA Sunday morning at 8:00 AM
  • One thing is that the Parity DAQ was stopped around 4:00 AM on Sunday and was restarted at 11:00 AM, see a log entry by Paul ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095578 ). Paul checked the charge asymmetry ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095844 ), and things seem still OK to me. Paul has added "checking the parity DAQ" on the shift checklist, and a note was placed in the counting house to remind the shift crew to check Parity DAQ when starting the shift. According to an email exchange between Paul and me, SBS data will not be affected by this.
  • Sheren pointed out that run 3028 has a problematic helicity plot ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095375 ), which might require further investigation to see if we can recover it. Paul added instructions for what to do if similar situations happen in the future, please see a log entry ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095586 )
  • We have a few HCal channels HV trip, Sebastian dropped by the counting house and fixed it ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095813 ), and a Hodoscope HV trip, see ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095913 )
  • Acoording to Bill, there's a target laser trip ( https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4095824 ), we don't have alarm for this yet.
  • IHWP inserted: [ https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4096283 ]

Short Term Run Plan

  • Continue production run on He3 target, 36 uA
  • Use GEnII-3stream DAQ config
  • Use ps3=0, ps5=6, others =-1
  • BBCal threshold at -366 mV, HCal threshold at -19 mV
  • NMR measurement every 2 - 3 hours

Current Issues

Planned Accesses to the Hall

  • RF recovery day on Wednesday
  • Access for hodoscope is in plan
  • Access for GEM BB APV will need a further evaluation see if it's necessary

Special Requests

  • None

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

  • Power down SBS, BB, and Detector HV before making an access to the Hall

Charge collection this week

[Daily Charge Collection: https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/images/8/84/Figure_1.png]