RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday November 21st

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RC Meeting Information

Time:at 3:30pm today

  • Location: Counting house conference room

RC Updates

Summary of swing 11/20 - day 11/21

  • Smooth swing and owl shifts, and collected good fraction of production data on polarized He3 target @45uA beam current with prescale: ps1=9, ps2=15, ps3=0, ps5=3 and all other -1
  • Target polarization was in average ~48% during the data taking
  • South Linac went to restricted access after MCC meeting today to repair turbo pumps (no estimation provided)
  • SL came back to beam permit around 1:30 pm, but issue with 2L17 and 2L25 power supply
  • Target EPR calibration is ongoing since 1 pm (estimated for 2-3 hrs)

Short term run plan

  • Continue production data taking on polarized He3
  1. 45uA of beam current | Use ps3=0, ps5=3, rest =-1 | One hour long runs
  2. Move the target to the pickup coil position, and do NMR sweep around every 2 hours
  3. Return to step 1
  • Integration of SBS-GEMs into the Main DAQ
  • Consideration to increase beam current to 50uA


Hall Access List

  • William Henry (target work)
  •  ??

Summary of GEn data taking

  • 57 out of 141 days (40.43%)
  • Uncorrected accumulated charge on He3: 33.51C out of 232C (14.44%)

Figure: Charge accumulated over time with He3 target