RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday November 29th

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator and Hall Status

  • Beam in Hall A is stable, we've been taking productioin runs with stable beam with few interruption.
  • We doubled the cycling period, from (1h LH2, 4h LD2) to (2h LH2, 8h LD2)
  • The power supply replacement for Hall A beam line moller quad has been put on hold, since we don't need this magnet right now.
  • There will be a planned accelerator down time on Wednesday, by then we will make access to the Hall to fix the DAQ GUI and trouble shoot INFN J0 layer, RC will coordinate this work (DAC work has high priority)
  • HCal calibratioin run with SBS-OFF BB-ON configuration has been put on hold, until we fix the DAC GUI for setting the BBCal trigger threshold
  • A 2-hour long 12 uA on LD2 target run is planned before Wednesday, this run includes the steps of gradually increasing beam current, see if GEM can torlerate it. RC will call GEM experts when this run happens
  • Every 2 days, we will take one dummy target run. 15 uA beam, 0.5 hours for each dummy run

Pending and New issues

  • DAC control GUI cannot read back discriminator threshold for HCal and BBCal sum trigger. To be resolved on Wednesday, we are now using history settings to set BBCal Threshold, see a log by Scott on this: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3951516
  • GEM Layer J0 common mode drifting higher
  • APVs on fiber 17 and fiber 19 unstable that causing DAQ hung, since beam is stable, and we are running fine, it's not urgent to troubleshoot this

Resolved Issues

  • Bob and David are working on a script to read scaler information, and calculate beam charge for each run
  • RC has a list of people need to access the Hall on Wednesday

Subsystem Updates

  1. HCAL:
  2. BBCal:
  3. Timing hodoscope:
  4. Grinch:
  5. GEMS:
  6. Beamline:
  7. DAQ:
  8. Replay analysis:

Run Plan

Follow the SBS-11 run plan listed on the wiki: https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page