RC meeting and Run Plan, Saturday, November 13th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Beam restoration to Hall A and centering on the Carbon hole was successful during Friday swing and Saturday owl. See here.
- Provakar took his BBCAL cosmic run 11955 with BB and SBS on and loaded new HVs to gain-match at the trigger level.
- Optics program started early day shift.
- Beam delivery was stable at 5 uA, but given low rates we asked to increase to 15 uA. MCC said we cannot exceed 10 uA. Operational restriction is supposed to be 20 uA, but I decided not to escalate this to higher levels before MCC is able to reliably deliver even 10 uA
- attempts to deliver 10 uA led to high trip rate. We backed off to 8 uA to get more stable beam to complete optics program.
- As of this writing, we are running on the 5-foil optics target, and immediately after this meeting, depending on the DAQ and beam status, we will request controlled access to remove the sieve and move to production.
Subsystem Updates
- HCAL: adjusted latency using optics runs
- BBCal: took cosmics with BB and SBS on, loaded new HVs to gain match signals at the trigger level for production field settings
- Timing hodoscope: no update, initial data looks good
- Grinch: See good timing peak for all channels
- GEMS: Found good signals peaking in first three time samples, asked GEM experts to adjust latency
- Beamline: no update
- DAQ: some DAQ problems during optics running.
- Replay analysis: need to get ready for fast tracking when we take the sieve out and move to production