RC meeting and Run Plan, Saturday December 4th

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RC Meeting Information

Run Coordinator: Eric King

No meeting today barring extraordinary events or a request by spokespersons.

Accelerator and Hall Status

Overall beam quality has been good. An overall uneventful day.

  • (Accelerator) Third pass problem during owl which caused ~2.5hr loss event 14871.
  • (Hall) Escorted access into the Hall was completed to install plastic absorber downstream of scattering chamber [1].

Run Plan

Ongoing plan is to continue taking production data. :) Cycle 4 completed, we are now on Cycle 5.

  • Minor change to DAQ startup procedure.
    • DAQ procedure should now be: Reset, Configure, Download, Start (Or Pre-start, Go) at the beginning of every run. This is an attempt to avoid the timing/latency issue. So far so good.
  • Additionally the 5K Replay should be run at the beginning of each run and appropriate plots examined. Sheet that I've left for shift crew is here.
  • GEM backgrounds reduced by 15% [2] with the insertion of the plastic absorber.
    • Current on LH2 target is now 12uA.
    • Current on LD2 target is now 10uA.

Triggered events collected

  • Cycle 3 (Includes part of 12/3 DAY):
    • LH2: ~20.4M
    • LD2: ~86.4M
  • Cycle 4 (Data taken on 12/4):
    • LH2: ~7.9M
    • LD2: ~84.9M
    • Dummy Al: 3.5M
  • Cycle 5:
    • LH2: Started

Opportunistic Access Requests

This is running list of requests. I re-iterated to the PD this morning that if possible we need a quick escorted access for Holly to make a visual assessment of the INFN GEM panel that's currently off.

  • [Ralph] Timing hodoscope need to remove card which will stay in hall.
  • [Maria/Todd] GRINCH (It would be a 2 hour minimum).
  • [Holly] Escorted access to get a visual inspection of the INFN GEM.
    • Would require a extended down (Holly lives ~20 minutes away, OWL is okay).

Unresolved Issues

  • Horoscope HV alarms going off [3]; I created a HALOG entry and tagged Ralph/Rachael [4]. Apparent repeat of issue on 11/25 [5]. Ralph came in to double check the issue and make sure it wasn’t a hodoscope hardware problem. Ralph will be coordinating with Stephen Wood on a resolution.