RC meeting and Run Plan, Sunday February 6th

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RC Report

  • After beam returned on Friday swing, we did a quick beam spot check (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3982346) to make sure that we are still centered. After looking at a run 13711 with a higher beam current on LD2, Andrew and Zeke gave us the 'go ahead' we continued taking production data on LD2 at 12 uA (instead of 10 uA). We continue to stay at 15 uA for LH2 though. On Saturday day, David Flay performed BCM calibrations (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3982638) which lasted ~1hr. We continue to take good quality production data over the weekend in cycles of 100M events on LD2 and 20M on LH2 and an occasional dummy run. GEM R&D tests are scheduled for Monday swing 6:00 - 7:00 PM and we are still scheduled to end the run at 7:00 AM on Tuesday morning.