RC meeting and Run Plan, Sunday October 25th

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Meetings Page

RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator Status

  1. DC Power still in tunnel
  2. Pass Change not started
  3. 3.5 uA limit to Hall A due to BLM trips. Higher currents require negotiations with Hall C

Hall A Status and News

  1. In Restricted Access
  2. Move to SBS-5 in progress

Current Run Plan

  1. Pass-4 Setup
  2. SBS-5

Subsystem Updates

  1. HCAL
  2. BBCal
  3. Timing Hodoscope
  4. Grinch
  5. GEMS
  6. DAQ
  7. Replay Analysis

Reminders to shift crew

  1. Check GEM gas mix every 2 hours
  2. HALOG GEM efficiency plots e.g. (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3930258)
  3. Fill Out Run list
  4. New Quick Beam checkout procedure (Target at home, Harps SCAN, check BPM strip chart) No C Hole after initial checkout completed at each configuration
  5. Ramp BB magnet to 0 before "power off". Here is a nice entry by Jack here

Current Issues

  1. Can't identify pulsar events in HCal (Ole, Alex)
  2. Need script/method to determine # good events
  3. Need script to get accumulated charge
  4. Target Vent Pressure Alarm is silenced. Experts are aware entry RESOLVED
  5. Waiting for response from OPS about when "long" ramping procedure required on SBS quick ramp vs [ https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3931987 long procedure]
  6. Rates in Hodoscope at ("300 kHz/1 uA on LD2 signals, 10 mV threshold, 40 mV signal on "FADC", "good" signal based on GeM tracks" D.Hamilton) Would like to do a HV scan on timing hodoscope (Ralph)

Special Requests

Useful Links