RC meeting and Run Plan, Thursday December 8th

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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Eric King [ericking (@jlab.org or @temple.edu)]
Time: Daily at 3:30PM
Location: Counting House Conference Room

Remote Connection Details

Shift Schedule

This RC Week

  • Next empty shift is a Target Operator DAY shift on Sunday 12/11.

Upcoming RC Week

  • There are seven (7) remaining shifts to be filled until winter shutdown; I'm sure Andrew would like them filled asap so he doesn't have to chase down any shift workers.

Accelerator Status

  • Everything appears to be running smoothly at the moment.
  • Hall C is down for about a week due to a vacuum break.

Current Status

We are currently taking data on 3-He

Beam Restoration (Wednesday)

The experiment was back up and running yesterday by 8PM. :)

  • Beam restoration went smoothly with a beam width of ~330 x ~320. [4098298]
  • Bill's carbon hole analysis looks fine. [4098365] [4098360]

Target Polarization (Since Recovery)

Møller Measurement

  • Accelerator has agreed to support a Møller measurement during Friday DAY.
  • During the last Møller measurement the accelerator didn't get started until about 9:30'ish.
  • Target Operator still required.
  • Shift leader should still come in as of now and plan on up to an hour of data taking.

Issues Resolved

Beam ramp step size issue

  • I wasn't clear on the resolution of this as I was out of email chains so here is a record of the ELOGs
    • Regarding the fix [4097297]
      "The chosen fix was to adjust the BCM records on iocbcm to force them to issue channel access updates every second. The default was to not send updates when the value was unchanged. This has been done for IBC1H04CRCUR2, IBC3H00CRCUR4, and IBCAD00CRCUR6 which are used by current locks. IBC0L02Current was also changed at the request of I&C."
    • Attenuator was working fine [4098105]

GEM Track Efficiency

  • Poor GEM track efficiency, alignment needed for analysis. Last spoke with Zeke at around 1:30AM'ish and he will continue working on alignment this morning after collaborating with other GEM experts. [4098462] [4098439] [4098413] [4090862]
  • Zeke provided a brief summary of the work Sean completed [4098674]
  • Analysis with the re-alignment [4098629]

Issues remaining

  • BB GEM APV unreachable and cannot be repaired at this time.

Short Term Run Plan

  • Continue production run on He3 target, 36 uA
  • Use GEnII-noSBSGEMs DAQ config
  • Use ps3=0, ps5=6, others =-1
  • BBCal threshold at -366 mV, HCal threshold at -19 mV
  • NMR measurement every 3 - 4 hours, close to 4 hours is better

Planned Accesses to the Hall

  • I presume that repairs for the BB GEM APV will wait until shutdown.

Special Requests

  • None of which I'm aware, please email me ericking (@jlab.org or @temple.edu) if there's something to be added.

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

  • Power down SBS, BB, and Detector HV before making an access to the Hall

Data Collection Status

  • 74 out of 141 days (~52.5%)
  • Total uncorrected accumulated charge on He3: 47.020 C out of 232C (20.26%)
    • 2-Pass: 13.467 C
    • 3-Pass: 33.553 C (at end of OWL)