RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday February 14th
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RC Report
- https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4131039
- RC: Sean Jeffas, sj9ry@virginia.edu
- Ran with ~30 uA beam current most of yesterday, collecting 0.7C
- At 9 am the accelerator went down due to many RF issues. Will be down until 8 pm.
- BBCal block now look good - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4130863
- GEM experts are in the hall working on SBS GEMs
- DAQ crashed due to ROC16 SLOT21 BUSY. Simple reset solved the issue. - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4130714
- BB GEM HV alarmed but did not trip. Likely some transient spike, nothing to worry about - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4130840
- Target windows computer wants to update on February 20th
Current Status
- Running 45 uA on He3
Run Plan
- Continue running 45 uA on He3
- Accelerator will prioritize beam and not have any maintenance days this week
- Hall B wants to change the IHWP on Friday
Data Collection and Polarization Status
- 30.9C of uncorrected charge for this kinematic (35.8C of corrected charge)
- Last NMR 50.0%%
Other Topics/Status Updates
- Anything else?
- Bill wants to change the raster settings after some analysis
Requested Accesses to the Hall
- Jack would like to collect some cables
- GEM team need like a 3-4hour access for the SBS GEMs DAQ troubleshooting