RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday November 30th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934
Accelerator and Hall Status
Overall not much new, we are in stable production phase at present.
- Beam in Hall A is stable, we've been taking production runs with stable beam with few interruptions.
- We did a ion chamber calibration in last swing shift, with SBS-ON, thin carbon target. This improved beam tripping situation.
- Cycling through 2h LH2, 8h LD2 and 0.5 hour dummy target runs
- Beam line optics will be kept as is.
- A 2~3 hour long 10 uA and 12 uA on LD2 target run is planned in Tuesday Swing shift, this run includes the steps of gradually increasing beam current, see if GEM can tolerate it. RC will call GEM experts when this run happens
Pending and New issues
Controlled access list for tomorrow
- BBCal and HCal: Arun, Sebastian, Ellen Becker with Scott as backup
- GEM J0: Holly, Anu/Sean
- Dave Kashy (work not related to SBS)
- MCC: on Moller PS
Resolved Issues
- Bob and David are working on a script to read scaler information, and calculate beam charge for each run, 90% finished
- Eric is working on a simulation putting an absorber at the exit of the target chamber
Subsystem Updates
- HCAL:Need to fix the raspberry pi controllers for HVs, and plug them into a controllable power supply; Updating Panguin plots
- BBCal: Need to fix the trigger DAC GUI during controlled access
- Timing hodoscope: None
- Grinch: None
- GEMS: A discussion on the risk of operating GEMs under 12 uA on LD2 target, we are doing it in today's swing shift, experts have been notified
- Beamline: Code for accurate beam charge calculation is close to finish, 90%. looking for data to test.
- DAQ: DAQ get stuck from time to time, probably due to MPD needs resetting regularly. Working on an alarm for DAQ when DAQ hungs
- Replay analysis: Found an APV whose pedestal drifted from 400ADC to 900 ADC, probably need physical access to check if there's any hardware issue.
Run Plan
Follow the SBS-11 run plan listed on the wiki: https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page