RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday November 9th

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934

Accelerator Status

The accelerator is delivering beam to Halls C and D.

Hall A Status and News

The OSPs for moving the spectrometers have been signed. One of the walkthroughs, for the magnet, was completed and there will be updates to the procedures but no new documentation is required. The Hall staff has begun moving the SBS. It is expected that all moving will be done by the end of Day shift on Wednesday. Following this the beamline will be pumped down. In the best case scenario, Jack's testing could be done by the middle of Wednesday Swing shift. We might not have a condensed target until Thursday since we are waiting until the beamline has been pumped down to start the process. We might be able to commission beam into the hall and do some things without a condensed target overnight on Wednesday.

I would like to cancel Wednesday Day shift.

Subsystem Updates

  1. HCAL: Sebastian has preliminary results on HCAL efficiency.
  2. BBCal: Comic last night. Peaks still aligned except 1 channel. Ready to go. Expert driven cosmics running when allowed to ramp the magnets up.
  3. Timing hodoscope: Ready
  4. Grinch: N/A
  5. GEMS: Gas has been switched over to the mixing system from the premixed gas.
  6. Beamline: Will send corrector magnet settings to Ops. David will be available for beam commissioning.
  7. DAQ: No problems. Bob implemented the last scaler readout and is testing now.
  8. Replay analysis: Andrew added new variables related to timing to the GEM analysis code. Developed some new cuts and cut values for cleaning up clusters in the GEMs. Will start with sieve slit in on BB, since we imagine that the GEM relative orientation has changed. Ready for beam. Someone needs to check the quality of scaler read events.