RC meeting and Run Plan, Tuesday October 4th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Donald Jones
Location: Counting House Conference Room
Time: 3:00PM
Main topics for discussion
- Target cell work (alignment and installation update)
- Laser work
- Magnet tests
- Shift schedule (target operator training/shifts)
- Limited RADCON support over weekend (Doug H.)
Commissioning run plans
- Beam line.
- Beam centering and target alignment
- Raster calibration
- BCM and BPM calibration
- Corrector adjustment procedure
- GEMs run plan
- Charge feedback system
- Optics and calibration
- Moller polarimeter (1 shift) Oct 7
- Target commissioning
- Bigbite commissioning (preshower, shower, GRINCH)
- HCal commissioning
Subsystem status reports
- Hall A Status -- Jessie Butler
- Target status/timeline (training?) -- Arun
- Beam line:
- Monitors (calibration) -- Simona
- Correctors -- Bogdan, Iuliia
- Wiki, shift schedule, shift checklist -- Don
- Tentative run plan document -- Bogdan
- Alarms
- Analyzer -- Andrew
- DAQ -- Alex
- HCal -- Jiwan
- Spectrometer magnets -- Jack
- GEMs/Tracking -- Holly
- Are new HV controls, alarms, gas flow monitoring procedures, EPCIS tracking in place?
- Shift checklist ok?
- Shower Calorimeter -- Provakar
- Beam polarization -- Don