RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday November 23rd
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RC Meeting Information
Time:at 3:30pm today
- Location: Counting house conference room
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- Meeting ID: 161 903 2184
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RC Updates
Summary of Swing 11/22 - Day 11/23
- RadCon assisted to have preliminary assessment of target yesterday https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4089408
- David Hamlette informed in the yesterday afternoon that they cleaned up the target enclosure from one side
- To be on safe-side, hall was elevated to power permit after RadCon completed their work yesterday
- RadCon cleaned up the contaminated area more in this morning
- Bill moved the target ladder to evaluate the status of reference cell and carbon foil, after David allowed to do so
- Reference cell was okay, but some carbon foils were damaged
- Bill and Arun are replacing the damaged foils with new foils in presence of RadCon
Short term run plan
- Complete ongoing target work (carbon foil replacement and reference cell alignment) in presence of RadCon
- Establish beam to the hall (following the procedure) if ongoing work is completed
- Integration of SBS GEMS to Main DAQ, and GEMs luminosity scan
- Take data on H2 reference cell
- Take run with lower BBCAL threshold (~1 GeV) to accept pions
- Sieve slit installation on Saturday and then optics (need RadCon??)
- Prepare to install another cell (target group)
- Shift schedule unfilled for next week
- Dump right Ion chamber cabling needs to be changed (Jerry Kowal is aware of it)
- Two channels of hodoscope have issue https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4087074
Hall Access
- RadCon personnels, William Henry and Arun Tadepalli (target)
- Carlos Ayerbe (GRINCH)
- Anuruddha Rathnayake (SBS GEMs)
Summary of GEn data taking
- 59 out of 141 days (41.84%)
- Uncorrected accumulated charge on He3: 34.75C out of 232C (14.98%)