RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday Oct. 11, 2023

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RC Meeting Information

Time: Monday - Friday at 3:30pm

  • Location: Counting house conference room
  • ZoomGov Meeting Connection Information


Useful Links


Hall A call-in instructions:

  • Call RC first.
  • Techs on site 7am-4:30pm Mon-Thu, 7-11am Fri. RC will call Hall A work coordinator (Zach) during normal working hours. After hours, RC calls Tech on-call.
  • After 9pm everything non-emergency needs to be deferred. What is emergency and what's not? Call RC. RC talks with Mark to decide.

Hall Access procedure:

  • Access check list (binder on the counting room desk) needs to be filled out before making an access.
  • Scan (take pictures with phone) and post it to the logbook.
  • Any work inside the SBS, BB boundary need to have PS locked out -- requires two QEWs to throw the big switch. Exception: field measurements.

New instruction for shift crew when changing target:

  • Beam restoration instructions have been updated. Printed version is in the counting room.
  • When we change target, make sure the SOFs of Target BPMs are set to the correct values.
  • SOFs for different targets: Needs an update after restoring beam tonight (Note: SOFs for major target positions are on the Control Room whiteboard.)

Status Update

Overall Summary

Day Shift Plan

  • Taget spun up overnight at OFF/OFF magnet configuration
  • NMRs taken every 3 hours.
  • Lasers off and locked out at 9am by Todd and Arun.
  • Beginning of alignment work in the hall

Swing Shift Plan

  • Plan to be done and locked up by 5pm to restore hall to power/beam permit.
  • Spin up for a few hours
  • Hunter perform EPR calibrations around 8/9pm.

Beam After Maintainance

  • MCC Expect to be able to start delivering beam back to halls about 8pm. (Naturally, anticipate this being slightly later, thus giving us EPR time).
  • Hopefully, complete beam recovery and checkout in the remainder of Swing Shift / Early Owl shift, and proceed to take production data on the new cell.

Opportunistically between spin ups (?):

  • H2 Reference data
  • Single foil optics data
  • Moller measurement

Accelerator status

  • Beam stopped to halls 7am and North Linac opened.
  • Maintenance day and beam studies during Day shift today (Wednesday 10/11)
  • Beam expected back around 8pm.

  • If you want to get into the hall, please communicate with the RC to get this organized!

Data collected :


Hall A Subsystems Status


  • Ladder Alignment in progress


  • All HV currently off. Hall is in controlled access.
  • BBCal 7.4 dead. Discussion on changing PMT base at next available time.


  • SBS and BB are off. Hall is in controlled access.

Hall access requests

If anyone wants to make an access, let the RC know!

Shift schedule


  • Thursday 10/12 OWL (Target Operator)
  • Friday 10/13 OWL (Target Operator)
  • Saturday 10/14 DAY (Target Operator)

Please check when your shifts are!


Please sign up for any open shifts!

Running Plan

  • Standard production running at 45uA, with NMRs every 3 hours.

==> List of items in case He3 production running isn’t ready:

  1. Take data on reference cell at 10 atm H2 (portions that add up to 1 day) [85% (4200 elastic events) more data required for Bigbite momentum calibration]
  2. BigBite Sieve slit => only during day (Techs needed)
    1. with 8 carbon foils and take optics for 1 hr at 40 uA (Sean/Andrew - confirm time)
    2. 1 hour for single foil (magnets off) => Chance BBcal HV setting to appropriate values
  3. BigBite/single foil location reconstruction (~20 mins?) - BigBite + HCAL detector experts on call consulting analysis experts like Andrew/Sean (magnet on)