Stopping and starting a run
From SBS wiki
<<SBS Main<< HOW TOs (CODA and DAQ)
- DAQ should be running on hadesk4 in a VNC
- If the VNC is not opened, or after logging in as adaq
- type : RunCoda VNC password is adaq password, alternatively connect on vnc on adaq2:4
- Use CODA scripts buttons on first Desktop to start the ROC Xterms and Run Control
- If needed use Restart CODA components
- In runcontrol make sure sbsts session and config GMN1 are chosen
- To start a run
- hit configure button in runcontrol, might need to hit it twice if vtpROC20 misses the first configuration
- hit download button ( wait until vtpROC20 is done )
- check prescale factors ( To open prescale gui : ssh to sbs-onl@adaq2 and type prescale )
- hit Start Run button
- fill in run information in pop up box ( make sure you have correct target / runtype )
- Pedestal run
- select GM1_pedestal config
- start run
- stop run after at least 30 k events
- go back to GMN1 configuration and start regular rub
- Troubleshooting
- SEB and ER stuck at end of run
- hit reset in runcontrol
- hit restart CODA components
- redo configure and download
- start a run
- GEM module not initializing or getting Errors
- Reboot VTP crate : open in browser
- SEB and ER stuck at end of run
More on GEMs in
- All remote switches at
- if you are stuck check contact expert on slack ( in 4th desktop web browser ) or call DAQ on call ( number on slack channel on-call or on whiteboard)