Tuesday, December 3, 2024
From SBS wiki
- New meeting time for spring semester: Will send out a when2meet poll to decide a new time, but current time conflicts with Andrew P's teaching schedule.
- Anu: update on front tracker GEM database and analysis
- Working DB and replay script, preliminary alignment.
- cosmic data, good tracking reconstruction; alignment can use some work.
- Cable mapping is good.
- Expert replay repo created. For pedestal and tracking analysis. Streamlined cosmic analysis.
- Eric: update on digitization/gain optimization for simulated analysis
- Problem was mainly related to extra smearing of shower signals (4.5 "sigma" pedestal noise as opposed to 3.0)
- made gain adjustments to BBCAL for SBS-8/9 settings for GMN to match energy reconstruction between data/MC. Good agreement now.
- Need to do the same for HCAL to finalize GMN
- Things we need to be thinking about:
- Scripts to validate trigger performance.
- Scripts to organize "online" analysis for shift crews and experts: GEn-RP machinery is the starting point but we can expect online replays to be more demanding.
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