Tuesday, September 24, 2024
From SBS wiki
- All: Brief verbal updates
- Kip: Minor adjustments to binning in coincidence lookup. Jacob and Sarah working together for trigger analysis for other kinematics
- Jacob: Working on doing fits to elastic peak positions for ECAL and HCAL clusters. Some issues encountered with fitting HCAL peak positions.
- Sarah: speed issues in running trigger analysis scripts on the farm. Lustre problems again?
- Ralph: can't make meeting, written update on CDET developments.
- Vimukthi: update on SBS optics work for GEN data. Improvement in optics and attempting to update HCAL energy calibrations. Using He-3 data with SBS tracking from Kin. 2 and/or Kin. 3, comparing sampling fraction results for Kin. 3. Are SBS optics calibrations done with Kin. 2 data directly applicable to Kin. 3 data?
- Andrew: Investigation of F1 TDC decoding in SBS-offline; initial findings/questions.
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