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Run plan for Oct. 27-Nov. 3, 2021

Day, Date Shift Tasks (Responsible Party) Status
Wednesday, Oct. 27 Owl Paused: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3932961
Day Paused
Swing Paused
Thursday, Oct. 28 Owl Paused
Day Paused
Swing Paused
Friday, Oct. 29 Owl Paused
Day Paused: we learn we shall restore on Monday, Nov. 8th after the energy change
Swing Paused
Saturday, Oct. 30 Owl Paused
Day Paused: GEM checkout after the incident https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3935002
Swing Paused
Sunday, Oct. 31 Owl Paused
Day Paused
Swing Paused
Monday, Nov. 1 Owl Paused
Day Paused
Swing Paused
Tuesday, Nov. 2 Owl Paused
Day Paused
Swing Paused: GEM detectors checkout with cosmics
Wednesday, Nov. 3 Owl Paused
Day Paused: we learn we're still on track to get back online on Monday Nov. 8th.
Swing Paused