Difference between revisions of "GMn/nTPE analysis meeting 2023 12 08"

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(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 5: Line 5:
* Rotating students update:
* Rotating students update:
** Nathaniel
** Nathaniel;
* Post-DNP discussion: path forward [https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/9e/Post-DNP_discussion_20231208.pdf]
* Post-DNP discussion: path forward [https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/images/9/9e/Post-DNP_discussion_20231208.pdf]
** Pass2;
** Pass2;
Line 12: Line 12:
* Nathaniel:
** Needs to use the following macro: https://github.com/JeffersonLab/SBS-replay/blob/master/scripts/ElasticEventSelection_MultiCluster.C
** Need to invite him on slack, so that he can ask questions;
* Post DNP discussions:
** Pass2: Files located in /volatile/halla/sbs/sbs-gmn/GMN_REPLAYS/pass2/QA_FINAL/SBSX/LD2/
*** Spurious correlations remaining in HCal ADC time - BBCal ADC time difference (not huge);
*** need a couple weeks to get the farm to gulp everything;
*** SBS7: +60% elastic yields compared to pass 0;
** Systematics:
*** HCal efficiency:
*** Inelastic: G4SBS inelastic generator (Christy Bosted) most likely good enough; SIMC can be modified to generate inelastic
**** Open question: what about generating multiple models for the deuteron wave function?
*** Nucleon misID: we can trust

Latest revision as of 12:25, 8 December 2023

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  • Rotating students update:
    • Nathaniel;
  • Post-DNP discussion: path forward [1]
    • Pass2;
    • GMN/NTPE sytematics;
  • AOB


  • Nathaniel:
  • Post DNP discussions:
    • Pass2: Files located in /volatile/halla/sbs/sbs-gmn/GMN_REPLAYS/pass2/QA_FINAL/SBSX/LD2/
      • Spurious correlations remaining in HCal ADC time - BBCal ADC time difference (not huge);
      • need a couple weeks to get the farm to gulp everything;
      • SBS7: +60% elastic yields compared to pass 0;
    • Systematics:
      • HCal efficiency:
      • Inelastic: G4SBS inelastic generator (Christy Bosted) most likely good enough; SIMC can be modified to generate inelastic
        • Open question: what about generating multiple models for the deuteron wave function?
      • Nucleon misID: we can trust