RC meeting and Run Plan, Wednesday November 24th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:15pm, remote connection link: https://bluejeans.com/256205934
Current RC: Brad Sawatzky
Upcoming RC: Xinzhan Bai (Starting this afternoon)
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Configuration change to SBS-11 completed during Tuesday DAY shift
- LV cable got pulled out during changeover [1]; fixed, but something to watch/check after next config change
- Accelerator worked on the pass change through Swing into Owl, got some beam into the Hall mid-Owl shift
- DAQ latencies noted on the GEMs seem to be global and caused issues with data taking throughout the night
- Had some trouble with BBhodo HVs [7]
- Steve suggests a power cycle of the crate may help -- requires escorted access
- Cryo flow to target was found to be constrained last night
- This did not impact the program and was corrected this morning.
- 4th pass separator issue will be worked on today (Wednesday)
- Original 4th Pass IOT ("IOT3") has been declared unrepairable (for now)
- Plan is to move 2nd Pass IOT up to 4th (then move it back later in the program) [10]
- This primarily impacts Hall C at this point, but there will be downtimes associated with reintegration and tuning once repairs are completed.
Run Plan for Wednesday--Thursday
This will be updated as we better understand what needs to be redone with corrected readout latencies. We should be able to complete the 'Initial Beam steer-up', raster and beam position checkout this morning.
- The SBS-11 Runplan (PDF) document is on the DocDB. Please update the file there if needed.
- Position + separation of protons and neutrons for SBS11 (Bdl = 1.6 T.m)
- [Complete]
Beam restoration to the Hall (MCC driven program to get beam to the dump)- BB Sieve is IN
- Ensure target is OUT
- SBS, BB Magnets OFF
- All other systems should be ready to go
- After initial steer-up into Hall is complete (call Don Jones if you have issues during Swing/Owl or David Flay during the Day Phone Numbers)
- Verify beam profile with Harp scans
- Determine raster size and position on target
- When complete be sure to make a halog and update the whiteboard with the new raster and beam position numbers
- Inform the RC when we get here. The plan will be to stop beam to Hall A and allow OPS to work on the 4th-pass line and RF separator system. We will stay in Beam Permit and retake the BBCal cosmics runs (below).
- [Complete]
Take BBCal cosmics data with magnets on to get HV settings established when above steering/raster checks are complete. (Call the RC)- Turn on BB (750A) and ask MCC to ramp SBS to 2100A
- Ensure all detector HVs are ON, set BBCal threshold for Cosmics (~200 Hz), take 500k triggers
- Keep beam out of the Hall until this is completed
- Call MCC and ask that they complete their procedure to ramp SBS to production currents (2100A pos) and adjust correctors
- This may require ramping BB to zero (ask them)
- Verify beam position is still where you want it (centered on target)
- Ask MCC will to complete Ion Chamber calibrations on LD2
- 'Thin' target ion chamber calibration should be complete Wed OWL (covers carbon foils, dummy)
- Prep for GEM/Optics checkout
- Contact GEM expert (on whiteboard) to support the GEM checkout program
- Contact Holly and Andrew [call numbers on whiteboard] as well, if this starts before midnight
- Turn GEM HV back ON; Ensure other detectors are ready to go.
- Initial threshold settings for BBCAL and HCAL
- BBCAL threshold ~0.5 GeV (readback is: -100 mV)
- HCAL threshold ~0.5 GeV (readback: -80 mV)
- Optics Runs for SBS-11
- Zero Field Alignment
- single C foil target
- BBCAL threshold 0.5 GeV (-100 mV); adjust threshold/beam to get a ~3 kHz of rate
- I = 5 uA
- 30 min of beam on target
- Vertex and Angle Reconstruction 1/2
- SBS ON (2100A pos.), BB ON (750A neg.), Sieve IN
- 5-foil Optics target
- BBCAL threshold 0.8 GeV (-160 mV)
- I = 20 uA
- 60 min of beam on target
- Vertex and Angle Reconstruction 2/2
- SBS ON (2100A pos.), BB ON (750A neg.), Sieve IN
- 4-foil Optics target
- BBCAL threshold 0.8 GeV (-160 mV)
- I = 20 uA
- 60 min of beam on target
- Escorted Access to take Sieve OUT (needs trained personnel!)
- Call RC ~1 hour before you will need to do this (Brad, Bill, _???_ are authorized to move sieve)
- Low current GEM runs
- SBS ON (2100A pos.), BB ON (750A neg.)
- BBCAL threshold set to establish sufficient rate for a GEM efficiency HV scan; Adjust threshold to get to a few kHz of triggers
- 1 uA on LH2 target
- Take 7 ~5 min long runs with different GEM HV settings for quick voltage scan
- GEM expert driven ONLY (ensure GEM expert on shift; or call RC if not sure)
- Voltages: 3653, 3608, 3564, 3519, 3475, 3430, 3385
Confirm Production Threshold Settings in BBCal and HCal
- GEM Rate Study
- Ensure GEM HVs are back at standard settings; detectors should be at Production settings
- SBS ON (2100A pos.), BB ON (750A neg.)
- BBCAL threshold 2.0 GeV (-400 mV) -- want a nominal 100k triggers/run
- LH2 target
- I=1 uA ; take 1 30min run
- I=15 uA ; take 1 30min run
- I=5 uA ; take 1 30min run
- I=1 uA ; take 1 30min run
- Move to Production Running cycle
- SBS ON (2100A pos.), BB ON (750A neg.)
- BBCAL threshold 2.0 GeV (-400 mV)
- HCAL threshold ~0.5 GeV (-80 mV)
- Goal: HCAL calib
- LH2 Target; I = 15uA
- 10M triggers (nom. 1 hr)
- Goal: Production
- LD2 Target; I = 8uA
- 40M triggers (nom. 4 hr)
- Goal: HCAL calib
- LH2 Target; I = 15uA
- 10M triggers (nom. 1 hr)
- Goal: Production
- LD2 Target; I = 8uA
- 30M triggers (nom. 3 hr)
- Goal: Production/Dummy
- Dummy Target; I = 15uA
- 2.5M triggers (nom. 0.5 hr)
- This nominally takes us to Friday 11/26 in the SBS-11 Runplan (PDF) document. Progress will be reassessed and subsequent runplan updated as needed.
- Upcoming shift schedule issues https://misportal.jlab.org/mis/physics/shiftSchedule/?experimentRunId=GMn-2021
- Several open TO positions starting Nov 26 (Bill H. picked up shifts on 24,25)
Reminders / Notes
- Role sharing between SL and TO was discussed
- TO should support the SL wherever possible while still keeping primary focus on the target
- Beam Time accounting; Shift Checklist tasks are low-hanging fruit
- Suggestion is to have TO start/stop runs and maintain the Run Log spreadsheet?
- TO should support the SL wherever possible while still keeping primary focus on the target
- Run plan communication / documentation will be 'officially' documented on the Daily_Meetings#RC_Meetings page
- Don has made the Run Coordinator 'Run Plan / Report' page more visible on the wiki (and nicely formatted it)
Subsystem Updates
- Hall A left side camera not responding (can't switch to it) [11]
- HV Questions/Issues
- HCal:
- Present data on HCal detector calibrations (timing, energy calibration and uniformity over acceptance, coordinate resolution) at upcoming meeting
- Working on clustering in SBS offline
- Will be using old HVs for SBS-11 startup
- BBCal:
- New HV settings made for upcoming BB/SBS on/off settings
- Contact BBCal experts [Arun] to load these and monitor BBCal performance during beam restart
- Cosmics runs in SBS-11 configuration with magnets on: [14]; significant fringe field gain suppression in PMTs
- HVs adjusted and uploaded [15]
- Parts arrived for PMT dry-air flushing system; needs SSG support
- New HV settings made for upcoming BB/SBS on/off settings
- Timing hodoscope:
- Working on RF alignment
- Rachel gave a status update online and will post to the halog
- Been working through analysis related issues; making progress; several issues remain in presentation
- Mark suggested he may need to write a new class to handle the RF time and make it easier to work with within the analyzer
- Working on RF alignment
- Grinch:
- Study of LED data taken under different BB+SBS conditions underway
- Maria/Todd/Bradley will be taking some more opportunistic LED pulser data tonight (Monday)
- Status update on LED data to Halog was requested
- GEM experts will be monitoring the gas bottles over the holidays (should be fine, but extra eyes will help)
- GEM HV Cosmic Scan Status
- No analysis of these runs yet -- many had bad latency; may not be useful...
- Work continues on calibrating/understanding the new GEM layer
- Andrew reports things seem to be generally working, but some issues still being worked on
- Still investigating the following: large number of fake tracks; possible issues with pedestal suppression, or perhaps indication of cross-talk; unclear... (this hypothesis is still under test)
- GEM "HV-off" cosmics data are on disk -- not clear if it has been looked at (may help disentangle potential cross talk sources)
- DAQ latencies issues noted in the GEMs seem to be global and caused issues with data taking throughout the night
- Beamline:
- David F is looking at scaler sanity checks with Paul
- DAQ:
- Need electronics, timing diagrams that represents 'as-built' system
- Latency shift was discovered to be common to entire DAQ
- Seems to have changed around the time the ROLs were updated; which was around the time of some library updates
- Latency configurations seem to be a mess based on comments in Slack (scattered across many files, interactions between global and 'local' settings, etc)
- At minimum, this should probably be documented on the wiki?
- Replay analysis:
- GEM work is ongoing (see above)
- Eric working on end-of-run report file output along with Dave F.
- Would be great to summarize total Charge on target, 'good event' statistics, as well as summarizing efficiencies and other QA related parameters?
- Probably most useful for full replays? (Online histo display should cover most/all of what the shift crew need to monitor already?)
- Online analysis golden runs -- what do shift crew check run-by-run?
- Generate a stripped-down set of plots for shift crew monitoring; experts can use a different Panguin config with a full set of plots?
- Plan for full analyses on Farm?
- This seems to be one of the items holding up more complete analyses of prior data
- Sounds like a plan needs to be hammered out and implemented?