GMn/nTPE analysis meeting 2023 05 26
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- Discussion on "path to results": "Guide"
- Calibrations and organization for "pass 2"
- Path to results:
- Selection: boils down to fitting the "DeltaX" distributions (need more details):
- Question on how to account for p, n detection efficiency: short answer: Efficiency close to 1 and very similar for p, n; (comes as a factor when trying to estimate sigma, not N)
- Estimation of correcting factor ("f_corr"): heavy use of Monte Carlo (addresses the question on "what MC should be used for")
- Estimation of physics quantity and uncertainties: simple algebra using Nen,ep, f_corr
- Selection: boils down to fitting the "DeltaX" distributions (need more details):
- Calibrations: Arun will give an update next week.
- Anu: short update on HCal calibration with pi-N;