RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday February 4th
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RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Arun Tadepalli
Time: 3:15 pm
Remote connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1619032184?pwd=aWhTVWxya1ZZQzA1K2ZPSTd2ZXZ2QT09#success
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RC Report
- We resumed production running during swing shift until beam was taken away from us due to vacuum problems during the owl shift. Apparently they are finished with the repair work and will take about four hours to restore beam. We should expect beam during early swing shift (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3982134) and will continue to take cosmics to keep the pot boiling.
Upcoming Shifts Which Need To Be Filled
- Monday, Feb 7th Owl SL
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Vacuum problems (PD summary - https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3982003)
- ETA for beam delivery is 1 - 1.5 hrs (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3982178)
Run Plan
- SBS-9: cycles of LD2 and LH2 (50M & 10M changed to 100M and 20M and 2 hrs to save time between target changes and DAQ start stops) and an occasional dummy run every two days.
- Request from spokespersons for an extension due to beam time loss.
To do
- BCM calibrations - 10 AM on 2/5/2022 (https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/HOW_TOs#Beam_Line and David Flay available for questions)
- GEM R&D runs - Monday Swing 6:00 - 7:00 PM (Nilanga, Anu, Kondo & notify the rest of the GEM group on slack)
Resolved Issues
Unresolved Issues
Subsystem Updates
- Fixed problems with APV.
- Software organization
- 50k plots looks good
- Taking cosmic runs at -40 mV BBCAL threshold. Will restore to production settings after beam returns.
- Rachel M looked at TH plots and all looks ok.
- Nothing new to report besides APV problems.
- We could push to 12 uA for LD2 but stay at the same current for LH2 (15 uA)