RC meeting and Run Plan, Friday May 3rd

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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Eric Fuchey

RC Daily Meetings are at 3:30 (pm) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links


After the access in the Hall to fix the GEMs, we took data on LH2 at several currents and with several HV settings for the GEMs to evaluate the most optimal setting. Result: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4294620 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4294797 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4294798

After that, we got back to production on LD2 at 10uA around 6pm. Production is still going pretty smoothly, albeit with a few occasional DAQ issues. Around 10:00am, it was noticed that 3 APVs were still preventing DAQ to function, even after LV and HV rests and powercycles, so they were taken out of the configuration: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4295449 Analyzer HVs were increased: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4295526

Planned Access to the Hall

We plan an access in the Hall on Monday, May 6th, ~9am, for work on GEMs, ECal, recoil polarimeter. This access as been mentioned during MCC RC meeting. David Hamlette was present and I requested radcon support from him.

Note about necessity of this access vs waiting for a "maintenance day": There is no maintenance day scheduled for the next two weeks, and I reckon there will not any be till the end of the run. Next Wednesday (May 8th) is beam studies, but Hall A has to be locked (confirmed by program deputy).


No major issue from accelerator so far.

Current Run Plan

Take data at 10 uA for production on LD2: BBCal threshold at -350 mV and HCal threshold at -10 mV for now. Once per shift, take a 1-hour run at 15 uA on LH2 with the production settings. See also Experiment run plans.

Current Issues

Future plans