RC meeting and Run Plan, Saturday May 11th
From SBS wiki
RC Meeting Information
Current RC: Holly Szumila
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:30 (pm) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)
- Zoom connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1616220064
- Meeting ID: 161 622 0064
Useful Links
- Increased the GEM gas argon ratio by ~1% yesterday. Evaluated the GEM HV and gains on hydrogen [1].
- Continued data-taking on deuterium on swing and owl. Owl decided to take some H data.
- New GEM HV crate disconnected a few times yesterday. Maybe this issue is fixed....[2]
- APV in BB layer 2 caused some issues yesterday [3]
- Bill loaded new analyzer voltages [4]
- Target JT valve adjusted [5]
Planned Access to the Hall
Access Tuesday:
- GEMs work:
- inspect GEM HV as able
- APVs on XW L0
- ECal:
Plan unchanged from yesterday:
- no Wien angle change next Tuesday for Hall A pass change;
- Accelerator beam studies currently scheduled on May 19th starting at 7am
- Pass change for Hall C possibly Wednesday or Thursday
Current Run Plan
Take data at 10 uA for production on LD2: BBCal threshold at -350 mV and HCal threshold at -14 mV for now. Once per day (preferably during day shift), take a 3 hours at 15 uA on LH2 with the production settings. See also Experiment run plans.
Current Issues
- Alignment and pedestals needed for GEMs.