RC meeting and Run Plan, Saturday May 18th
RC Meeting Information
Current RC: Jiwan Poudel
RC Daily Meetings are at 3:30 (pm) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)
- Zoom connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/j/1616220064
Useful Links
- South Linac cryo 2K box issue starting from 13:15. MCC estimated downtime of 3-4 hrs at the beginning, but accelerator was down for about 17 hrs https://ace.jlab.org/dtm/all-events?start=&end=&type=&transport=&acknowledged=&eventId=&smeUsername=&offset=0&max=10&qualified=
- Beam back to the hall around 6 am this morning
- After harp scan, production run started with 2.5 uA on LD2 w/radiator target @65% SBS field around 7 am
- Continued production data taking with BBCAL threshold -300 mV and HCAL threshold -25 mV
Access to the Hall
- Accelerator beam studies currently scheduled on May 19th (starting at 7:00 am) and May 20th (until 7:00 am)
- Plan for beam studies:
1. 7AM-8AM, allsave, fopt, E01 harp traces as time allows. Hall A access starts as soon as RadCon survey starting at 0700 is complete.
2. 8AM-10AM, BLM calibration, ATLIS 107920, can start as soon as allsave is complete HALLA access continues, ending 10AM.
3. 10AM to 1 PM, FFB/FF in Hall A, 25uA CW and up, Need Hall A parity DAQ to take data to ensure FFB/FF satisfies MOLLER requirements
4. 1PM -130PM, Raytrace, ATLIS 111826,
5. 130PM -530PM, Injector tune for high intensity run, beam in injector only. Parasitic tests in parallel SRF cavity emission test SRF DAQ calibration test Increase HV on two of the RF zones in SL. RF support, Bill Baumgartner https://tasklists.jlab.org/atlis/tasks/112070 Rama test plan could also be run during this time
6. 530PM ->5am, BLA cal followed by high current push, beam to Halls A (~40) and C (~60 uA) Need RF support https://tasklists.jlab.org/bslist/tasks/111972
7. 5am->6:30am, QTSnyder testing
Current Run Plan
- Raster is on.
- Target is LD2 with radiator
- BB magnet at 750 A and SBS magnet at 1365 A (65%)
- Set ps3=0 (coin trigger), ps5=5 , all others to -1 .
- Set BBCal threshold to approximately ~1140 MeV ( -300 mV in BBCALHI DAC) and HCAL threshold (-25 mV)
- Beam current 2.5 uA
- 2 hr long runs
Current Issues
- SBS magnet read-back current fluctuation (regulation or read-back issue ??)
Future plans
- Hall Access to remove Analyzer and install hadron filter on Sunday (Radcon will survey the hall starting 7:00 am, Hall A tech support to lock magnets)
- GEMs HV/Luminosity scan on Sunday https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rIy6yNIc4nWDFDWbIboZqdVADxWlbNlhXIRjIiuWVaU/edit
- Parity DAQ run during beam studies