RC meeting and Run Plan, Sunday January 23th
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RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Caryn Palatchi
Time: 3:15 pm
Remote connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/s/1619032184
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Upcoming Shifts Which Need Filled
URGENT: Shifts February need help - only 1 opening remaining
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Beam Permit - SBS - 8
Run Plan
Sun DAY-Tuesday OWL
- Noted changes: current and threshold increases - 5uA LH2 -> 8uA LH2 prompts threshold increase to -459mV. 3uA LD2-> 5uA LD2 prompts further threshold increase to -477mV.
- finished SBS0% LD2 data just now (then quick 5min pedestal run)
- next up is returning to SBS70% production
- scaling #events for different LH2/LD2 rates
- Original plan: LD2 120M 12hr, LH2 60M 6hr
- New plan : LD2 120M 12hr -477mV 2.7kHz, LH2 events=60M*rate/2.7kHz 6hr -477mV rate=?kHz
- Production until Tuesday morning 7:45am
- follow SBS8 run plan This week's Run Plan
Tuesday: OPS down
- Accelerator needs to understand what performance that they can get from SL18 cavity to plan for the next run periods beam energy.They are proposing a 3-4 shift beam down
- Tuesday Jan 25th 7:45am down and restoring beam ~noon-early afternoon Wed Jan 26th
- Plan to request going to controlled access Tuesday morning - Wednesday morning
- B goes to 2 pass Monday DAY 1/24
Resolved Issues
- update wiki instructions for HV stuff given issue with ted BB DAQ
Unresolved Issues
- SBS Magnet Spikes. Assessed but not fixed. hereJack's Entry (assess more Tuesday)
- ted BB DAQ issue - status: on the shelf to be surveyed (will request radcon survey on Tuesday)
- who needs to go in Tuesday?