RC meeting and Run Plan, Thursday January 13th
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RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Bill Henry
Time: 3:15 pm
Remote connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/s/1619032184
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Upcoming Shifts Which Need Filled
URGENT: Shifts in January/February need help - 20 openings to fill
Next opening: This Sunday OWL
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Hall A is in restricted access to address target lifter problem
- see D. Meekins Logentry
- see B. Henry's Logentry
Run Plan
- Beam Centering
- Current Scan for GEM linearity study
- Push to higher current
- Production according to the SBS-14 plan
Resolved Issues
- BB Hodoscope HV instructions update in CH [1]
Unresolved Issues
- Cryo Target Motion Controller
- BB Hodo HV not in EPICS/alarm handler. Is this what shifters should do here
- 20+ shifts to fill
Subsystem Updates
- Alex update. List of DAQ people on call.