RC meeting and Run Plan, Thursday January 20th
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RC Meeting Information
Run Coordinator: Caryn Palatchi
Time: 3:15 pm
Remote connection link: https://jlab-org.zoomgov.com/s/1619032184
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Upcoming Shifts Which Need Filled
URGENT: Shifts February need help - only 1 opening remaining
Accelerator and Hall Status
- Restricted access - configuration change to SBS - 8 , sieve slit requested to go in
Run Plan
- SBS, HCal moved and survey
- GRINCH HVs turned on and LED runs
- Cosmics to be taken with BBCAl, GEMS HV on, HCal
Friday DAY
- Changing configuration to SBS - 8 (Beamline dir, BB, checklist including sieve in)
Friday DAY - Sat DAY Plan
- sieve is in (if manpower issues occur in OPS for OWL, we will remove sieve before midnight and bypass sieve-in steps, proceeding to sieve out plan)
- Jack checking out SBS spikes
- close hall - beam permit
Friday SWING (SL: Ole Hanson, TO: Maria Satnik)
- cosmics with SBS on (BB 750A, SBS70%) [responsible person - Provokar Datta 959-929-2373]
- new HV setttings for new calorimeter [responsible person - Provokar Datta - 959-929-2373]
- Beam checkout
- https://sbs.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Establishing_beam_in_the_Hall [responsible person - Don Jones 757-768-1148 or David Flay]
- GEM checkout[when beam first comes back after checkout, contact Sean Jeffas regarding GEM expert checkout - cell on whiteboard]
- Sieve slit in optics data
- Contingency plan
- Check with MCC around 11pm if manpower issues have occurred in OPS for OWL tonight and whether they can or cannot support an escorted access
- If we get all or most of our optics data before midnight, we remove the sieve.
- If we get no or very little optics data before midnight, we run through owl shift with the sieve in, even if this leads to “too much” optics data, and remove it in the morning.
- If we get about half the optics data before midnight, we remove the sieve, and decide whether to put it back in later after analysis of what we got
- The zero-field, single-foil run and the field-on 5-foil run should be the top priorities. The 4-foil run and the LH2 run with sieve would be optional
- 1 foils, magnet off [responsible person - Andrew P.]
- 5 foils, magnet on [responsible person - Andrew P.]
- 4 foils, magnet on [responsible person - Andrew P.]
- LH2 sieve in run [responsible person - Andrew P.]
- Contingency plan
Friday OWL (SL: Thir Narayan Gautam - trade requested, TO: Jack Jackson)
- Sieve slit out - wait 30min after beam is turned off before entering area for taking sieve out (radcon instructions) (if manpower issues occur in OPS for OWL we will remove sieve before midnight and bypass sieve in steps proceeding to sieve out plan)
- ARM/escorted access of expert to remove slit (2-3 ppl including 1 expert needed to remove slit [responsible person - Sebastian]
- GEM checkout 1,2,3,4,5uA on LH2 to 200k events/run [contact Sean Jeffas regarding GEM expert checkout - cell on whiteboard]
- Sieve slit out BBcal run[responsible person - Andrew P.]
- Production
- follow SBS8 run plan This week's Run Plan
- Future: OPS down
- Accelerator needs to understand what performance that they can get from SL18 cavity to plan for the next run periods beam energy.They are proposing a 3-4 shift beam down
- Jan 25th day and restoring beam end of day Jan 26th
- B goes to 2 pass Monday DAY 1/24
Need to discuss Long term plan
Resolved Issues
- opportunistic access for VETROC/GRINCH
- GRINCH HVs turned on and LED runs taken
Unresolved Issues
- SBS Magnet Spikes. Assessed but not fixed. hereJack's Entry (assess more Tuesday or Wed? during beam studies perhaps?)
- ted BB DAQ issue - status: on the shelf to be surveyed (Tuesday or Wed? during beam studies perhaps?)
- update wiki instructions for HV stuff given issue above
- update spreadsheet for SBS8 tab